冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第125期:第十章 琼恩(2)(在线收听

   I came to see Bran, Jon said. To say good-bye. "我来探望布兰,"琼恩回答,"来向他道别。"

  Her face did not change. Her long auburn hair was dull and tangled.  她依旧面无表情,原本蓬厚的褐红色长发垂头丧气地纠缠乱成一团,
  She looked as though she had aged twenty years. You’ve said it. Now go away. 看上去仿佛一夕之间老了二十岁。"你已经达到了目的,走吧。"
  Part of him wanted only to flee, but he knew that if he did he might never see Bran again.  他恨不得拔腿就跑,但他很清楚自己这辈子很可能再也见不着布兰了,
  He took a nervous step into the room. Please, he said. 于是他反而不安地朝屋里跨了一步:"求求你让我见他一面吧。"
  Something cold moved in her eyes. I told you to leave, she said. We don’t want you here. 她眼里闪过一道寒光。"我叫你走开,"她冷冷地说,"我们不欢迎你。"
  Once that would have sent him running. Once that might even have made him cry. Now it only made him angry.  若是从前,她这席话准会把他吓得没命奔逃,羞得泪流满面,但是现在,却只让他怒火中烧。
  He would be a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch soon, and face worse dangers than Catelyn Tully Stark. He’s my brother, he said. 他即将宣誓加入守夜人的黑衣军团,届时他将面对比凯特琳·徒利·史塔克更骇人的危险。"好歹我是他哥哥。"他说。
  Shall I call the guards? "你要我叫警卫吗?"
  Call them, Jon said, defiant. You can’t stop me from seeing him.  "你尽管叫,"琼恩愤愤地道,"但你阻止不了我见他一面的。"
  He crossed the room, keeping the bed between them, and looked down on Bran where he lay. 说完他穿过房间,走到病床的另一边,低头看着布兰。
  She was holding one of his hands. It looked like a claw. This was not the Bran he remembered. The flesh had all gone from him.  她正握着布兰的一只手,可那只手看起来不像手,倒像爪子。眼前的病人已非琼恩记忆中那个布兰,
  His skin stretched tight over bones like sticks. Under the blanket, his legs bent in ways that made Jon sick.  他形容枯槁,骨瘦如柴,两脚在毛毯下蜷曲成令人作呕的形状。
  His eyes were sunken deep into black pits; open, but they saw nothing. The fall had shrunken him somehow.  他的双眼深陷,活像两个黑色的窟窿,张开着,却仿若茫然。
  He looked half a leaf, as if the first strong wind would carry him off to his grave. 他看起来正如一片弱不经风的孤叶,一阵劲风便足以将他吹动飘散。