冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第179期:第十四章 凯特琳(6)(在线收听

   I can’t, she wept. Gods forgive me, Robb, I can’t, what if he dies while I’m asleep, what if he dies, what if he dies? "我怎么能休息?"她啜泣,"诸神开眼,罗柏,我不能休息,万一他在我熟睡时过去了,万一……万一……"

  The wolves were still howling. She screamed and held her ears again. Oh, gods, close the window! 窗外狼嚎依旧。她高声尖叫,再度捂紧耳朵。"噢,天哪,天哪,关上窗子罢!"
  If you swear to me you’ll sleep. Robb went to the window, "如果你答应我先睡一会儿,我就关。"
  but as he reached for the shutters another sound was added to the mournful howling of the direwolves. Dogs, he said, listening.  罗柏走到窗边,就在他伸手去拉的时候,冰原狼的悲鸣中又添加了一种新的声音。"
  All the dogs are barking. They’ve never done that before  是狗叫,"他专心倾听,"全城的狗都跟着叫起来了,它们以前不会这样的……"
  Catelyn heard his breath catch in his throat. When she looked up, his face was pale in the lamplight. Fire, he whispered. 凯特琳听见他的呼吸哽在喉咙,便抬起头,只见灯光下他面容惨白。"失火了。"他喃喃道。
  Fire, she thought, and then, Bran! Help me, she said urgently, sitting up. Help me with Bran. 失火了,她的第一反应是,救救布兰!"快帮帮我,"她催促,"快帮我把布兰抱起来。"
  Robb did not seem to hear her. The library tower’s on fire, he said. 可罗柏好像根本没听见。"藏书塔失火了。"他说。
  Catelyn could see the flickering reddish light through the open window now.  透过敞开的窗户,凯特琳看见闪曳的红色亮光。
  She sagged with relief. Bran was safe. The library was across the bailey, there was no way the fire would reach them here.  她如释重负,布兰安全了,藏书塔位于城廓之外,火势无论如何没有蔓延到这里的可能。
  Thank the gods, she whispered. "感谢老天。"她低声轻语。
  Robb looked at her as if she’d gone mad. Mother, stay here.  罗柏看她的眼神仿佛将她当成了疯子,"母亲,请您留在这里,
  I’ll come back as soon as the fire’s out. He ran then.  火势扑灭之后我就回来。"说完他便跑了出去。
  She heard him shout to the guards outside the room,  她听见他朝门外守卫发号施令,
  heard them descending together in a wild rush, taking the stairs two and three at a time. 随后他们三步并作两步急奔下楼。