冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第227期:第十八章 凯特琳(9)(在线收听

   I think it best if you stay away from the common room, Ser Rodrik said, after they had settled in.  我想您最好别待在大厅里,安顿妥当之后,罗德利克爵士说,

  Even in a place like this, one never knows who may be watching.  即便在这种地方,还是小心为妙。
  He wore ringmail, dagger, and longsword under a dark cloak with a hood he could pull up over his head.  他穿了环甲,配上匕首和长剑,外面再套上黑斗篷,拉起兜帽。
  I will be back before nightfall, with Ser Aron, he promised. Rest now, my lady. 我天黑以前把艾伦爵士带来。他保证,夫人,您好好休息。
  Catelyn was tired. The voyage had been long and fatiguing, and she was no longer as young as she had been.  凯特琳真的累了。这趟旅途漫长而疲惫,况且她年纪也已不轻。
  Her windows opened on the alley and rooftops, with a view of the Blackwater beyond.  房间的窗户面向一条屋顶之间的小巷,恰可看到远方的黑水湾。
  She watched Ser Rodrik set off, striding briskly through the busy streets until he was lost in the crowds, then decided to take his advice.  她目送罗德利克爵士快步走进熙来攘往的街道,消失在人群当中,最后决定顺从他的建议。
  The bedding was stuffed with straw instead of feathers, but she had no trouble falling asleep. 床铺塞的是稻草并非羽毛,但她还是头一沾枕便进入梦乡。
  She woke to a pounding on her door. 她被砰砰的敲门声吵醒。
  Catelyn sat up sharply. Outside the window, the rooftops of King's Landing were red in the light of the setting sun.  凯特琳立时坐起,窗外,夕阳残照把君临的屋顶洒得通红。
  She had slept longer than she intended. A fist hammered at her door again, and a voice called out, Open, in the name of the king. 她睡得比预期的长。房门再度响起敲门声,人声传进屋内:以国王之名,开门!
  A moment, she called out. She wrapped herself in her cloak. The dagger was on the bedside table.  等等。她一边应声,一边赶紧用斗篷裹住自己。那把匕首躺在床边桌上,
  She snatched it up before she unlatched the heavy wooden door. 她匆忙拾起,然后才打开厚重木门的门闩。
  The men who pushed into the room wore the black ringmail and golden cloaks of the City Watch.  蜂拥进房的人都穿着都城守卫队的制服:黑色环甲和金色披风。
  Their leader smiled at the dagger in her hand and said, No need for that, m'lady. We're to escort you to the castle. 为首之人一见她手中利刃,便笑道:夫人,不必如此。我们是特地来护送您进城的。