冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第232期:第十八章 凯特琳(14)(在线收听

   Catelyn slid her fingers from his grasp. I thank you, my lord, but my own Maester Luwin has already seen to my hurts. 凯特琳从他掌心抽回手,伯爵大人,感谢您的美意,不过我这伤口已经让家里的鲁温师傅处理过了。

  Varys bobbed his head. I was grievous sad to hear about your son. And him so young. The gods are cruel. 瓦里斯低头道:您公子的事,我深感遗憾。一想到他小小年纪,就觉得天上诸神真是残酷。
  On that we agree, Lord Varys, she said. The title was but a courtesy due him as a council member;  瓦里斯伯爵,我们总算有点共识。她说。瓦里斯的伯爵头衔只是虚位,这也是为了顾及他朝廷重臣的身份,
  Varys was lord of nothing but the spiderweb, the master of none but his whisperers. 其实瓦里斯根本不是任何封邑的领主,他统御的不过是手下那批眼线。
  The eunuch spread his soft hands. On more than that, I hope, sweet lady.  太监把手软软地一摊。好夫人,相信我们不只是有这点共识。
  I have great esteem for your husband, our new Hand, and I know we do both love King Robert. 我对您丈夫,也就是咱们新任首相,怀着极高的敬意,同时我也知道我们大家都非常爱戴劳勃国王。
  Yes, she was forced to say. For a certainty. 是的,她不得不说,毫无疑问。
  Never has a king been so beloved as our Robert, quipped Littlefinger. He smiled slyly. At least in Lord Varys's hearing. 要找咱们劳勃这么受爱戴的国王,恐怕很难啰。小指头露出促狭的微笑,酸溜溜地说,最起码瓦里斯大人听到是这样。
  Good lady, Varys said with great solicitude. There are men in the Free Cities with wondrous healing powers.  好夫人,瓦里斯忧心忡忡地道,自由贸易城邦有不少精通医术的奇人异士。
  Say only the word, and I will send for one for your dear Bran. 只消您点个头,我即刻去找这样的人来医治您的小布兰。
  Maester Luwin is doing all that can be done for Bran, she told him. She would not speak of Bran, not here, not with these men.  能做的鲁温师傅都做了。她告诉他。此时此地她不愿谈布兰的事,尤其是和这些人。
  She trusted Littlefinger only a little, and Varys not at all. She would not let them see her grief.  她不太信任小指头,更何况瓦里斯。她绝不能让他们看见她悲伤的模样。
  Lord Baelish tells me that I have you to thank for bringing me here. 贝里席大人刚才告诉我,我现在能在这里,全都要归功于您。
  Varys giggled like a little girl. Oh, yes. I suppose I am guilty. I hope you forgive me, kind lady.  瓦里斯像个小女孩般咯咯直笑。呵呵,可不是嘛。我看我是难辞其咎了,好心的夫人,希望您原谅我吧。