冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第236期:第十八章 凯特琳(18)(在线收听

   A bastard hamstrung you, opened your empty skull, and cut off your hand. Or would have, if these blades had an edge.  假如用的真剑,野种早已挑断你的腿筋,劈开你的脑袋瓜子,砍断你的双手了。

  It's fortunate for you that the Watch needs stableboys as well as rangers.Ser Alliser gestured at Jeren and Toad.  算你走运,我们守夜人需要的不只是游骑兵,也需要马房小弟。
  Get the Aurochs on his feet, he has funeral arrangements to make. 艾里沙爵士朝杰伦和陶德挥手道:把这头笨牛扶起来,他可以准备办丧事了。
  Jon took off his helm as the other boys were pulling Grenn to his feet.  其他的男孩搀扶葛兰起身,琼恩脱下头盔,
  The frosty morning air felt good on his face. He leaned on his sword, drew a deep breath, and allowed himself a moment to savor the victory. 结霜的晨气吹在脸上,感觉很舒服。他拄剑而立,深吸一口气,容许自己短暂地享受胜利的喜悦。
  That is a longsword, not an old man's cane, Ser Alliser said sharply. Are your legs hurting, Lord Snow? 那是剑,不是老人的拐杖。艾里沙爵士尖锐地说,雪诺大人,您可是脚痛?
  Jon hated that name, a mockery that Ser Alliser had hung on him the first day he came to practice.  琼恩恨透了这个绰号,打从他练剑的第一天起,艾里沙爵士便这么叫他。
  The boys had picked it up, and now he heard it everywhere. He slid the longsword back into its scabbard. No, he replied. 其他男孩子有样学样,现在人人都这么称呼他了。他将长剑回鞘。不是。
  Thorne strode toward him, crisp black leathers whispering faintly as he moved.  索恩大跨步朝他走来,脆硬的黑皮革发出悉悉窣窣的声响。
  He was a compact man of fifty years, spare and hard, with grey in his black hair and eyes like chips of onyx. The truth now, he commanded. 他约莫五十岁,体格结实,精瘦而严峻,一头黑发已有些灰白,而那双眼睛却如玛瑙般炯炯有神。那是怎么回事?他质问。
  I'm tired, Jon admitted. His arm burned from the weight of the longsword, and he was starting to feel his bruises now that the fight was done. 我累了。琼恩承认。他的臂膀因为不断挥剑而感到酸麻,如今打斗结束,刚留下的擦伤也开始痛了起来。
  What you are is weak.I won.No. The Aurochs lost. 这叫软弱。可我赢了。不。是笨牛他输了。
  One of the other boys sniggered. Jon knew better than to reply. He had beaten everyone that Ser Alliser had sent against him, yet it gained him nothing.  一个旁观的男孩在偷偷窃笑。琼恩很清楚自己绝不能顶嘴。