冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第237期:第十八章 凯特琳(19)(在线收听

   The master-at-arms served up only derision. Thorne hated him, Jon had decided; of course, he hated the other boys even worse. 教头的嘴边只有嘲笑和讥讽。索恩一定是讨厌他,琼恩暗自认为;不过话说回来,索恩更讨厌其他男孩。

  That will be all, Thorne told them. I can only stomach so much ineptitude in any one day. If the Others ever come for us, I pray they have archers,  今天就到此为止。索恩告诉他们。我对饭桶可没什么耐性。假如哪天异鬼真打过来,我倒希望他们带上弓箭,
  because you lot are fit for nothing more than arrow fodder. 因为你们只配当靶子。
  Jon followed the rest back to the armory, walking alone.  琼恩跟着其他人返回兵器库,孤零零地走在中间。
  He often walked alone here. There were almost twenty in the group he trained with, yet not one he could call a friend.  他一直都孤零零的。一起受训的小队约有二十人,却没有一个称得上是朋友。
  Most were two or three years his senior, yet not one was half the fighter Robb had been at fourteen. Dareon was quick but afraid of being hit.  多数人长他两三岁,打起来却连十四岁罗柏的一半都比不上。戴利恩动作敏捷,但很怕挨打;
  Pyp used his sword like a dagger, Jeren was weak as a girl, Grenn slow and clumsy. Halder's blows were brutally hard but he ran right into your attacks.  派普老把剑当匕首来使;杰伦弱得像个女孩子;葛兰迟钝又笨拙;霍德攻势虽猛,可总是没头没脑。
  The more time he spent with them, the more Jon despised them. 琼恩越是和这些人交手,就越鄙视他们。
  Inside, Jon hung sword and scabbard from a hook in the stone wall, ignoring the others around him.  进到室内,琼恩把入鞘的剑挂回石墙的钩子上,刻意不理睬其他人。
  Methodically, he began to strip off his mail, leather, and sweat-soaked woolens.  他有条不紊地解下盔甲、皮衣和汗湿的羊毛衫。
  Chunks of coal burned in iron braziers at either end of the long room, but Jon found himself shivering. The chill was always with him here.  长长的房间两端,铁火盆里的煤炭熊熊燃烧,但琼恩仍止不住发抖。
  In a few years he would forget what it felt like to be warm. 此地,寒意总是如影随形,想必数年之后他便会忘记温暖的滋味。
  The weariness came on him suddenly, as he donned the roughspun blacks that were their everyday wear.  他穿上日常的粗布黑衣,倦怠感突然排山倒海般朝他袭来。
  He sat on a bench, his fingers fumbling with the fastenings on his cloak. 他找条板凳坐下,手指摸索着系上斗篷。