Biggest Stories in 2002 (1)(在线收听



Health & Science

In 2002 we’re going to see the same kind of 1)issues that we had in 2001 that were very interesting. In particular at least for us at The Wall Street Journal the area of 2)stem 3)cell, 4)embryonic stem cell research and 5)cloning. On the science side, there’s going to be some major breakthroughs and advances that are very interesting. But what’s most important is to watch what happens out in Congress and the administration, because there’s a lot of 6)controversy about trying to 7)ban or restrict that research. The other big area is going to be health care costs which are really exploding way above the rate of 8)inflation and in particular the cost of 9)pharmaceuticals. I think some employers as well as states are going to take some very strong actions to try to restrict the spending in that area.



The big story for Washington for 2002 is going to be the November elections. And while that’s a long way off for the rest of the country, it’s very much on politicians- minds now, especially with both the House and Senate so closely divided and control up for grabs. The 10)jockeying for position heading into those elections is probably what killed the 11)stimulus bill in December, and it’s going to affect the whole fight over whether there’s another stimulus bill this year, whether there’s aid for unemployed whether there’s another tax cut, terror insurance, budgets, defense and a whole 12)host of other issues.



The year 2002 is likely to be one of tremendous 13)upheaval for the energy industry. Many companies are 14)shedding assets trying to get their balance sheets more in line. And it’s not entirely clear who has the money to be buyers these days for the many power 15)plants and other assets that are going to be put up for sale. One theory is that some of the European 16)utilities may be entering this market in a major way. There’s also a question about whether there’s going to be money available to build new power plants and boost 17)transmission capacity. So it’s likely there could be power supply problems that will become front-page news again when the nation pulls out of the current recession.



I think 2002 is going to be the year for everything 18)wireless in several respects. But the product that I think is going to set the tone is the Handspring Treo. It is really the first successful combination of a cell phone, an email device, a web device and a genuine Palm organizer. And I think it’s a breakthrough product. I think it will be copied. It is coming out about a week into the new year and there will be a series of new models that have improvements to it all throughout 2002, and other people are going to be 19)scrambling to catch up with this kind of a device.



I think one thing you’re going to see in the movie business is the audience will be watching for the studios to actually come through with films that 20)live up to their marketing campaigns. In 2001, you had a lot of films that opened very big like Planet of the Apes and then 21)dropped off very quickly. And the reason was the marketing was very intense and got people out. But once the movies got into the marketplace, there was a drop off. And I think even though the film business did very well in 2001, the audience is going to be looking for the material that can 22)sustain their interest a little better in the next year. CE


11、当2002年到来 (1)

















1) issue [5isju:] n. 问题,争论点,结果,结局

2) stem [stem] n.

3) cell [sel] n. 细胞

4) embryonic [7embri5Cnik] a. 胚胎的

5) clone [klEun] v. 无性繁殖,复制

6) controversy [5kCntrEvE:si] n. 争论,辩论

7) ban[bAn] v. 禁止,取缔

8) inflation [in5fleiFEn] n.通货膨胀

9) pharmaceutical [7fa:mE5sju:tikEl] n. 药物,药品

10) jockey for position 运用手段图谋利

11) stimulus [5stimjulEs] n.刺激,刺激物

12) a host of 一大群,许多

13) upheaval [Qp5hi:vEl] n.巨变

14) shed [Fed] v. 摆脱,散发

15) plant [pla:nt] n. 工厂

16) utility [ju:5tiliti] n. 公用事业公司

17) transmission[trAnz5miFEn] n. 传送

18) wireless [5waiElis] a. 无线的

19) scramble [5skrAmbEl] v. 争夺,抢夺

20) live up to 做到与……相等

21) drop off (一个个地)离开,散去

22) sustain [sE5stein] v. 支撑,维续

