
The conflict in Syria, which started when peaceful protestors urging reform were met with brutal military force by Bashar al-Assad, has entered its eighth year. The carnage has been unspeakable: hundreds of thousands dead; millions displaced; untold thousands disappeared into prisons.


Yet UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock said recently that the last few months have been some of the worst yet for many civilians inside Syria.

虽然如此,最近,联合国负责人道主义事务的副秘书长兼紧急救援协调员马克 洛科克(Mark Lowcock)表示,过去的几个月对于许多叙利亚百姓来说才是最难熬的日子。

A leading candidate for the location of the “worst yet” is eastern Ghouta, where in February the Syrian government, with Russian air support, launched a large military operation against one of the last remaining rebel-held enclaves, in order to force the residents into submission and surrender.


The assault began in spite of a unanimously adopted Security Council resolution on February 24 that called for a 30-day ceasefire throughout Syria to enable humanitarian aid and medical assistance to reach sick and starving civilians.


History will not be kind when it judges the effectiveness of this Council in relieving the suffering of the Syrian people, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley told the Council March 27, noting that since the cease-fire was agreed upon, Seventeen hundred Syrian civilians were killed in just the last month alone.

历史对于安理会缓解叙利亚人民苦难方面的效率是不会满意的,美国驻联合国永久大使妮基 海利(Nikki Haley)3月27日在安理会发表讲话时如是说道。海利表示,自从达成停火协议后,光是上个月就有1700名叙利亚百姓遭到杀害。

A responsible Security Council, she said, would condemn the Assad regime for deliberately blocking convoys of humanitarian aid during their military campaign...A responsible Security Council would express its outrage that at least 1700 civilians were killed during a military campaign that we demanded to come to a halt.


But we cannot, she said. We cannot take these actions because Russia will stop at nothing to use its permanent seat on this Council to shield its ally Bashar al-Assad from even the faintest criticism. And we cannot take these actions because instead of calling out how Assad, Russia and Iran made a mockery of our calls for a ceasefire, too many members of this Council wanted to wait.

海利表示,但是我们却无能为力。我们无能为力是因为俄罗斯会不顾一切的通过自己在安理会的永久席位来保护其盟友阿萨德遭受 哪怕最轻微的谴责。我们无能为力还因为太多安理会成员国不但对阿萨德政权、俄罗斯以及伊朗嘲笑我们的方式无动于衷,还想要按兵不动。

Ambassador Haley said, This should be a day of shame for every member of this Council. And it should be a lesson about what happens when we focus on fleeting displays of unity, instead of on what's right. For those who think otherwise, the people of eastern Ghouta deserve an explanation.

