与美国小学生一起学英文第1册 第32期:贝多芬(在线收听

   Beethoven 贝多芬

  Beethoven is the most popular musician in history.  贝多芬是历史最著名的音乐家。
  He grew up in an unhappy family. 他生长在一个不幸的家庭里。
  But he became a composer and a pianist. 但他却成为了作曲家和钢琴家。
  When he was about 20, he started losing his hearing. 在他20岁左右的时候,他的听力开始丧失。
  But Beethoven never stopped making music and playing the piano. 但贝多芬从来就没有停止过作曲和弹钢琴。
  He made most of his wonderful works after he lost his hearing. 他大部分的伟大作品都是在他丧失听力后创作的。
  For Elise is the most famous musical piece in the world. 《致爱丽丝》是世界上最著名的乐曲。