与美国小学生一起学英文第3册 第2期:北极(在线收听

  North Pole 北极

  The North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. 北极位于北冰洋中部。

  In winter, the temperature goes to -49°F. 在冬天,北极温度降到零下49华氏度。

  Even in summer, the temperature is around 32°F. 即使在夏天,温度也只在32华氏度左右

  During the summer, we can see white nights at the North Pole. 夏天,我们可以在北极看到白夜。

  Ice at the North Pole is usually two or three meters thick. 北极的冰层通常都是两三米厚。

  However, the North Pole is warmer than the South Pole. 然而,北极要比南极暖和一些。
