与美国小学生一起学英文第3册 第5期:蜜蜂(在线收听

   Bee 蜜蜂

  Many people do not like bees. 许多人不喜欢蜜蜂。
  Bees protect themselves and their hives by stinging humans. 蜜蜂会蜇人来自卫和保护蜂巢。
  However, bees do a lot of jobs in nature. 然而,事实上蜜蜂能做许多事情。
  Bees make honey and people can enjoy the sweet honey. 蜜蜂能酿蜜,因此人们能够享受到甜甜的蜂蜜。
  Bees move pollen between plants. 蜜蜂能在植物间传粉。
  These flowers produce fruit. 这些授粉的花能结果实。
  If there were no bees, maybe we could not eat fruit.  如果没有蜜蜂,我们可能就吃不到水果了。