与美国小学生一起学英文第3册 第32期:号角(在线收听

   Horn 号角

  The horn is a musical instrument. 号角是一种乐器。
  People blow a horn and it makes a sound. 人们吹号角,它就能发声。
  It has been used in many western countries. 许多西方国家都使用号角。
  The oldest horn was made of wood or animal horns. 最早的号角是用木头或动物的犄角做的。
  Now people make horns with metal, so they become stronger and more durable. 现在人们都用金属做号角,因为它们更坚固耐用。
  In the old days, it was used for hunting, gathering people and announcing festivals. 在古代,号角用来狩猎、集会和宣布节日等等。