与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第5期:珍珠贝(在线收听

   Pearl Oyster 珍珠贝

  Do you know where pearls come from? 你知道珍珠产自哪里吗?
  Expensive jewels usually come from big mines. 昂贵的珠宝通常产自大矿山。
  However, believe it or not, pearls come from pearl oysters in the sea. 然而,信不信由你,珍珠产自于海中的珍珠贝。
  Nowadays, we can raise pearl oysters in the seas near Korea and Japan. 如今,我们能在靠近朝鲜和日本的海中养殖珍珠贝。
  Pearl oysters are usually 5 centimeters long and 5.6 centimeters high. 珍珠贝一般有5厘米长,5.6厘米高。
  When we raise pearl oysters, It is very important to maintain water temparature over 10 degree Celsius. 我们养珍珠贝时,非常重要的一点就是水的温度得维持在10摄氏度以上。