与美国小学生一起学英文第6册 第10期:太阳系(在线收听

   The Solar System 太阳系

  The solar system consists of the sun, eight planets and billions of small planets. 太阳系包括太阳、八大行星和数十亿颗小行星。
  These eight planets and small planets orbit around the sun. 八大行星和小行星都围着太阳转。
  Do you know the names of the eight planets? 你知道八大行星的名字吗?
  They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. 它们分别是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、天王星和海王星。
  Mercury is the closest planet from the sun. 水星离太阳最近。
  Jupiter is the biggest planet, it is about 1300 times bigger than the Earth. 木星是最大的行星,大小大约是地球的1300倍。