与美国小学生一起学英文第6册 第27期:圆锥体(在线收听

   Cones 圆锥体

  what does the cone look like? 圆锥体是什么样的?
  A cone has a circle at the bottom. 圆锥体底部有个圆。
  It is pointy at the top. 顶部是尖的。
  Where can people see a cone in their life? 生活中,人们在哪里能见到圆锥体?
  First of all, people are able to see an ice cream cone very often. 首先,人们能够经常看到冰淇淋蛋卷。
  People can find cone-shaped things very easily. 人们能轻易地找到圆锥状的事物。
  Think about a christmas tree. It is a cone-shaped object.  想想圣诞树吧,它就是圆锥状的。
  And birthday party hats are also comb-shaped objects. 生日派对帽也是圆锥状的物体。