与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第31期:排球(在线收听

   Volleyball 排球

  Can you play volleyball? 你会打排球吗?
  Volleyball is a very famous sport. 排球是一项非常著名的运动。
  Can you play it by yourself? No, you can't. 你能自己玩吗?不能。
  There should be two teams to play a game and one team should have six players. 打一场排球比赛应该有两个队,每队有六个球员。
  Like a tennis game, a volleyball game also needs the court and a net in the middle of the court. 和网球比赛一样,排球比赛也需要球场,球场中间有张网。
  You will lose a point if you let the ball touch your side of the court. 如果你让球接触到你这边的球场就会丢掉一分。
  Does it sound difficult? It may be. 这听起来很难是吗?或许吧。
  However, if you undersand the rules, you will enjoy the game very soon. 但如果你了解了规则,就会很快享受起这项运动。