与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第16期:历史(在线收听

   History 历史

  What is history? 历史是什么?
  It is a written record of human activities over time. 它是人类过去活动的文字记载。
  Historians discover these records in study history. 历史学家在研究历史的时候发现这些记载。
  Then, how could we learn about ancient life if there were no written records? 那么,如果没有文字记载,我们怎样了解古代生活?
  Historians also study antient architecture, drawings, weapons, tombs and so on. 历史学家同样研究古代建筑、绘画、武器、坟墓等等。
  We call the time without any written record prehistory. 我们称没有任何文字记载的时期为史前时期。
  Both prehistoric time and historic time are very important to understand human activities and civilization. 史前时期和历史时期这两个时期对人类活动和文明的理解具有非常重要的作用。
  Who left the first written records? 是谁首先留下了文字记载?
  Chinese people left records on animal bones and shells about 3300 years ago. 大约三千三百年前,中国人就在动物的甲骨上留下了文字记载。