与美国小学生一起学英文第11册 第30期:加勒比民间音乐(在线收听

   Caribbean Folk Music 加勒比民间音乐

  Around the Caribbean Sea, there are many small island countries like Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas and Haiti. 加勒比海周围有很多小岛国,诸如牙买加、波多黎各、巴哈马群岛和海地。
  People of these countries are festival lovers. 这些国家的人都是节日爱好者。
  At a festival, they play their traditional instruments, singing and dance together. 在节日里,他们演奏传统乐器、载歌载舞。
  For example, a maraca is one of their favorite instruments. 例如,沙槌是他们最喜爱的乐器之一。
  A maraca is a coconut shell filled with seeds and beans. 沙槌就是里面装有种子和豆子的椰子壳。
  If you shake a maracas, beans and seeds make a sound. 如果你摇沙槌,豆子和种子就会发出声音。
  Banjos are also famous. 班卓琴也很有名。
  A banjo looks and sounds like a guitar. 班卓琴的外观和声音像吉他。
  With those instruments, they play samba or rumba music. 有了那些乐器,他们就能演奏桑巴和伦巴音乐。
  And these kinds of music are all good for dancing! 这类音乐都很适合跳舞。