中英双语新闻 G20峰会在杭州胜利闭幕(在线收听

BBC news with Jonathan Izard.

The annual G20 meeting of the world’s major economies has closed in China with agreement to fight protectionism and to try to pump fresh life into the world economy. President Xi Jinping said that the first time the summit had put the issue of development front and center. The IMF chief Christine Lagarde said G20 members would use every tool to boost global growth.

The minister responsible for Britain's exit from the European Union David Davis has said the government will negotiate the best possible trading relationship with the EU while controlling immigration into the country, but he did not offer any details or timetable, prompting opposition MPs to describe his statement as waffle.

The government of Somalia has suspended all flights bringing in the narcotic leave khat from neighboring Kenya. The trade is worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

The government of Ethiopia says 23 people died when a fire broke out in Qilinto Jail where political prisoners were being held at the weekend, it said two of those were killed as they try to escape, the others during the stamp and suffocation.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has launched a ferocious attack on Saudi Arabia and its management of the annual Islamic pilgrimage the Haji. Ayatollah said the Islamic world must fundamentally reconsider how it was run.

A new pressure group called decision at 50 has been formed in Israel seeking a national referendum on the future status of the Palestinian territories as the West Bank enters its 50th’s year of occupation.

France's former budget minister Jerome Cahuzac has gone on trial for stashing millions of dollars abroad while cracking down on tax cheats at home. The scandal was a huge embarrassment for president Holland who’d come to power promising to root out corruption.

And an asteroid has been named in honor of the late British rock star Freddie Mercury on what would have been his 70th birthday, the asteroid was discovered in 1991, the year Freddie Mercury died.

Jonathan Izard为您报道BBC新闻。

一年一度的世界主要经济体G20会议在中国闭幕。会议达成协议,打击保护主义,为世界经济注入新的活力。习近平主席表示,峰会首次将发展列为前沿和中心议题。国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,G20成员国将使用各种工具来促进全球发展。

负责英国脱离欧盟的大臣大卫·戴维斯(David Davis)表示,政府将与欧盟协商最佳贸易关系,同时控制移民进入英国。但是他并未透露任何细节或时间表,导致反对派议员称他的声明含糊其辞。



伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·哈梅内伊(ayatollah ali khamenei)严厉抨击了沙特阿拉伯和它对一年一度的伊斯兰朝圣的管理。哈梅内伊表示,伊斯兰世界必须从根本上反思其运作方式。


法国前预算部长卡于扎克(Jerome Cahuzac)由于在国内打击税收欺诈的同时在国外私藏数百万美元而被审判。该丑闻让总统奥朗德非常难堪,他上台时承诺根除腐败。

一颗小行星以已故英国摇滚歌手佛莱迪·摩克瑞(Freddie Mercury)的名字命名。今年是摩克瑞诞辰70周年。这颗小行星于1991年发现,就是佛莱迪·摩克瑞(Freddie Mercury)去世的那一年。
