中英双语新闻 葡萄牙男子遭误诊坐43年轮椅(在线收听

BBC news with Johnathon Izard.

The US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power has accused Russia of telling outright lies about its actions in Syria. She said the Russians were not involved in counter-terrorism there, but in barbarism. Russia's ambassador Vitaly Churkin accused the rebels of sabotaging the ceasefire which recently failed to take hold. And Syria's representative told the council that all of Aleppo would be recaptured by his government's forces. Rebel held areas of Aleppo have continued to be pounded as Russian backed Syrian government forces press on with their offensive. Medical workers report their strikes on neighborhoods throughout the east of the city.

Voters in Switzerland have approved a law that would give new powers to the country's intelligence services. The legislation will allow the authorities to tap phones, track internet activity and use hidden cameras in microphones to monitor suspects.

Bosnian Serbs have been voting in a referendum on whether to keep January 9 for the national holiday despite the poll being banned by Bosnia's highest court. The date is an Orthodox Christian Faith day and the court ruled that it discriminated against Muslim Bosniaks and Catholic Croats living in the Serb Republic.

President Francois Holland has acknowledged that France abandoned Algerians who fought on the French side during Algeria’s eight-year-war of independence.Thousands of Algerian volunteers were massacred as traitors after the French retreated from Algeria.

Police in Hungary say an explosion in Budapest on Saturday night which injured two police officers was caused by a homemade bomb. Hungarian police chief said the officers who on foot patrol were deliberately targeted and now in a stable condition in hospital.

And a Portuguese man has managed to walk again after spending 43 years in a wheelchair because of mistaken medical diagnosis. The man, Rufino Borrego, told Portuguese media that a neurologist has found after more than four decades that he suffered from a different disease myasthenia, which unlike the initial diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, is curable.

Johnathon Izard为您报道BBC新闻。

美国驻联合国大使萨曼莎·鲍尔(Samantha Power)指控俄罗斯就其在叙利亚的行为完全说谎。她说,俄罗斯并不是在进行反恐战争,而是实施暴行。俄罗斯大使丘尔金(Vitaly Churkin)指控叛军破坏了最近未能坚持的停火协议。叙利亚代表告诉安理会,整个阿勒颇都会重新被政府军占领。随着叙利亚政府军奋力推进,阿勒颇叛军控制地区持续遭受打击。医疗工作者报告称,政府军的袭击遍及整个城市东部社区。



法国总统奥朗德(Francois Holland)承认在阿尔及利亚八年独立战争期间,法国放弃了为法国而战的阿尔及利亚人。法国从阿尔及利亚撤退时,数千名阿尔及利亚志愿军被作为叛徒屠杀。


由于医疗诊断错误而在轮椅上度过了43年的葡萄牙男子终于得以重新行走。博雷戈(Rufino Borrego)告诉葡萄牙媒体,一位神经病学家40多年后才发现他患的是另外一种名叫肌无力的疾病,而不是最初诊断的肌肉萎缩症,是可以治愈的。
