乔布斯传 第397期:波士顿Macworld大会(2)(在线收听

   He delivered a carefully crafted presentation, using no notes, on why Apple's sales had fallen by 30% over the previous two years.  他的演讲精雕细琢,不用笔记,解释了为什么苹果的销售额在两年间下滑了30%。

  "There are a lot of great people at Apple, but they're doing the wrong things because the plan has been wrong," he said. “苹果有很多出色的人才,但是他们在做错误的事情,因为计划本身就错了。”他说,
  "I've found people who can't wait to fall into line behind a good strategy, but there just hasn't been one." “我发现很多人迫不及待地想去支持一个好的发展战略,但就是没有。”
  The crowd again erupted in yelps, whistles, and cheers. 观众又爆发出尖叫、口哨和欢呼声。
  As he spoke, his passion poured forth with increasing intensity, 在他演讲的过程中,他的热情越来越强烈地奔涌而出,
  and he began saying "we" and "I" rather than "they" -- when referring to what Apple would be doing. 当说到苹果应该怎么做时,他开始说“我们”和“我,而不是“他们”。
  "I think you still have to think differently to buy an Apple computer," he said. “我认为你们要买苹果电脑时还是要用不同的思维方式,”他说,
  "The people who buy them do think different. “买苹果电脑的人就是有不同的思维方式。
  They are the creative spirits in this world, and they're out to change the world. 他们代表了这个世界的创新精神,他们要去改变世界。
  We make tools for those kinds of people." 我们为这种人制造工具。”
  When he stressed the word "we" in that sentence, he cupped his hands and tapped his fingers on his chest. 当他强调那个句子中的“我们”时,双手环成杯形,手指点着自己的胸脯。
  And then, in his final peroration, he continued to stress the word "we" as he talked about Apple's future. 然后,在结束语中,他谈到苹果的未来时一直在强调“我们”这个词。
  "We too are going to think differently and serve the people who have been buying our products from the beginning. “我们也要用不同的思维方式,为那些从开始就购买我们产品的人服务。
  Because a lot of people think they're crazy, but in that craziness we see genius." 因为很多人认为他们是疯子,但是在那种疯狂中我们看到了天才。”
  During the prolonged standing ovation, people looked at each other in awe, and a few wiped tears from their eyes. 全场掌声雷动,人们都站起来,满怀敬畏地互相看着,有人还在擦拭脸上的泪水。
  Jobs had made it very clear that he and the "we" of Apple were one. 乔布斯清楚地表明,他和苹果的“我们”是一体的。