美国小学英语教材1:第12课 小鸭叫嘎嘎(在线收听

   Little Duck Says Quack 小鸭叫嘎嘎

  Once a little yellow duck went for a walk. 从前,有只小黄鸭外出散步。
  As it went along the road, it met a gray kitten. 当它走在路上的时候,碰到了一只小灰猫。
  "Mew, mew," said the kitten. “喵,喵,”小猫说。
  "Oh!" said the little duck. “噢!”小鸭说。
  What a pretty way to talk! 那样说话真好听啊!
  I wish I could talk that way. 我希望我也能那样说话。
  But little duck could not say mew. 但是小鸭子不会说喵。
  All it could say was m-ack, m-ack. 它只会说“摩嘎,摩嘎”。
  And that was not pretty at all 那声音可一点都不好听。
  The little yellow duck went on down the road. 小黄鸭继续在路上走啊走。
  Soon it came to a big brown dog. 不一会儿,它碰到了一只大棕狗。
  "Bow-wow," said the dog. “汪,汪”,狗说。
  "Oh!" said the little duck. “噢!”小鸭说。
  What a pretty way to talk! 那样说话真好听啊!
  I wish I could talk that way. 我希望我也能那样说话。
  But it could not say "bow-wow." 但它不会说“汪,汪”。
  All the little duck could say was b-ack, b-ack. 小鸭子只会说“波嘎,波嘎”。
  And that was not pretty at all. 那声音可一点都不好听。
  The little yellow duck went on. 小黄鸭继续往前走。
  By and by it saw a pretty bird. 没过多久,它看见了一只漂亮的鸟儿。
  “Tweet, tweet," said the bird. “唧啾,唧啾”,鸟儿说。
  "Oh!" said the little duck. “噢!”小鸭说。
  What a pretty way to talk! 那样说话真好听啊!
  I wish I could talk that way. 我希望我也能那样说话。
  But the little duck found that it could not say "tweet, tweet". 但是小鸭子发现它不会说“唧啾,唧啾”。
  All little duck could say was "tyrack, tyrack". 小鸭子只会说“唧嘎,唧嘎”。
  And that was not pretty at all. 那声音可一点都不好听。
  Little yellow suck was not happy. 小黄鸭很不开心。
  It could not say "mew, mew." 它不会说“喵,喵”。
  It could not say "bow-wow." 它不会说“汪,汪”。
  It could not say "tweet, tweet." 它不会说“唧啾,唧啾”。
  So the little duck went home. 于是小鸭子走回了家。
  Mother duck saw it coming. "Quack, quack", said Mother Duck. 鸭妈妈看见小鸭子回来了。“嘎,嘎”,鸭妈妈说。
  "Oh!" said Little Duck. “噢!”小鸭说。
  That is a very pretty way to talk. 那样说话真好听啊。
  I think I will talk that way, too. 我想我也能那样说话。
  And little yellow duck found that it could say "quack, quack" very well. 然后小黄鸭发现它能把“嘎,嘎”说得非常好。