美国小学英语教材1:第15课 橡皮糖树(在线收听

   The Gum-drop Tree 橡皮糖树

  One fine morning Bobby Squirrel was playing. 一个晴朗的早上,松鼠波比正在玩耍。
  The sun was shining, and he was very happy. 那天太阳灿烂,他非常开心。
  He ran up and down trees. 他一会儿在树上爬上爬下。
  He ran along the ground. 一会儿在地面上跑来跑去。
  "I wish I could find something good to eat," thought Bobby. “我希望能找到一些好东西吃”,波比心想。
  Just then he heard the children coming along the street. 就在这时,他听见孩子们沿着大街走了过来。
  It was time for school. 是上学的时候了。
  Bobby liked to see the children going to school. 波比喜欢看孩子们去上学。
  Sometimes they gave him nuts. 有时候,他们给他坚果吃。
  Sometimes other good things fell out of their pockets. 有时候,会有一些别的好东西从他们的口袋里漏了出来。
  Bobby sat up on the ground and looked at the children. 波比在地上坐直身子看着孩子们。
  But they ran to school so fast that they did not see him. 但是他们往学校跑得太快,没有人看见他。
  After the children had gone by, Bobby Squirrel saw something on the ground. 孩子们跑过去之后,松鼠波比看到地面上有东西。
  He ran to see what it was. 他跑过去看个究竟。
  It was something round. 那个是圆的东西。
  It was something green. 它是绿色的。
  "What is this round green thing?" said Bobby. “这个圆绿绿的东西是什么呢?”波比说。
  It is not a nut. 它不是坚果。
  It smells good. I will eat it." 它很好闻。我要尝尝它。
  So he ate a little of it. 于是,它尝了一点。
  It was very sweet and very good. 它非常甜、非常好吃。
  He ate it all. 于是,他把它全吃了。
  "Oh, oh," said Bobby Squirrel. “噢,噢”,松鼠波比说。
  "That green thing was good. “这个绿色的东西真好吃啊。”
  Maybe I can find another one. 也许我还能再找到一个。
  He looked along the ground; and soon he found another one. 他就在地面上找了起来;没过多久,他又找到了一个。
  "I will take it home," he thought. “我要把它带回家”,他想。
  "I will ask Mother what it is." “我要问妈妈这个是什么东西。”
  Away he ran to his home in a tree. 于是,他跑回了树上的家。
  All the other squirrels wanted to see what Bobby had found. 其他的松鼠都想看看波比找到了什么东西。
  "It is just a green nut," said one. “那只是一颗绿坚果而已,”一只松鼠说。
  "Or a green acorn," said another. “要么就是一颗绿橡子”,另一只松鼠说。
  Then Mother Squirrel came home. 就在这时,松鼠妈妈回到了家。
  "Oh, I know what it is," she said. “啊,我知道那是啥”,她说。
  It is a gum-drop. It is candy. 这是一颗橡皮糖,是糖果。
  Candy is not good for little squirrels because it is too sweet. 糖果不适合小松鼠吃,因为它太甜了。
  You must not eat it, Bobby. 波比,你可千万不要吃啊。
  Bobby Squirrel did not know what to do with his gum-drop. 松鼠波比不知道怎么处理他的橡皮糖。
  He thought, and he thought. 他想啊想。
  All at once he said, Now I know. 突然他说,现在我知道该怎么办了。
  Then he ran down to the ground and began to dig a hole. 于是,他跑到了地上开始挖洞。
  All the other squirrels ran down to watch him. 其他的松鼠都跑下来看着他。
  "What are you doing?" they asked. “你在干什么啊?”他们问道。
  Bobby Squirrel said, I am going to plant my gum-drop in the ground. 松鼠波比说,我要把橡皮糖种在地里。
  Some day I'll have a gum-drop tree with pretty green gum-drops on it. 将来有一天,我会有一棵长着漂亮的绿橡皮糖树。