美国小学英语教材2:第31课 杰克与仙豆(2)(在线收听

   Jack Climbs the Beanstalk 杰克爬上仙豆

  Up and up Jack climbed, until the earth was far below. 杰克爬啊爬,他离地面很远了,
  But still the top of the beanstalk was high above him. 但仙豆的顶部还高高在上。
  By and by he stopped to rest. 不久以后,他停下来休息。
  Then he thought of his poor, hungry mother, and he climbed higher and higher. 随后,他想到了他那贫穷饥饿的妈妈,于是越爬越高。
  After a long time, Jack reached the top of the wonderful beanstalk. 很久以后,杰克爬到了神奇仙豆的顶部。
  "What a beautiful country!" he cried. “好美的国家啊!”他喊道。
  Near by he saw a castle fine enough for a king. 他在附近看到了一座足以供国王使用的城堡。
  While he was looking at it, a fairy came and stood beside him. 当他在看它时,一位仙女来了,站在了他身边。
  "See that beautiful castle!" said the fairy. “你看到那座美丽的城堡了吧!”仙女说。
  "I will tell you a story about it. “我告诉你一个关于它的故事。
  Once a good king and his queen lived in that castle with their little son." 曾经有一位善良的国王和王后与他们的小儿子住在城堡里。”
  "Not far away lived a great giant, who wanted the king's gold. “他们不远处住着一个巨人,他想要国王的金子。
  So one night he broke into the castle and killed the king as he lay asleep. 于是一天夜里,他闯入城堡,在国王睡觉时杀了他。
  The queen had taken the little boy to the earth below for a visit. 王后之前带小男孩去参观陆地了。
  When she heard that the king had been killed, she was afraid to go back to the castle. 当她听说国王被杀时,不敢回到城堡。
  So the queen and her son stayed on the earth and lived in a little house." 于是带着她儿子待在地上,住在一间小房子里。”
  "Jack, that poor queen is your mother!" “杰克,那位可怜的王后就是你的母亲!”
  "My dear mother! My poor father!" cried Jack. “我亲爱的妈妈!可怜的爸爸啊!”杰克哭着说。
  "All the things in this castle were your father's," said the fairy. “城堡里所有的东西都是你爸爸的,”仙女说,
  "Are you afraid to try to get them back?" “你害怕把它们夺回来吗?”
  "I am not afraid of anything," said the young boy. "It is worth trying." “我什么都不怕,”小男孩说,“它值得一试。”
  "Then go to the castle," said the fairy. 仙女说:“那么你就去城堡里,
  "Get the hen that lays golden eggs, and the magic harp that talks." 拿会下金蛋的母鸡和会说话的神奇竖琴。”
  Jack went up the path and knocked at the castle door. 杰克走上小路,敲了敲城堡的门。
  The giant's wife opened it at once. 巨人妻子立刻打开了门。
  "Go away!" said the woman. "Don't you know that a giant lives here? “走开!”女人说,“你不知道巨人住在这里吗?
  He will kill you if he sees you. Here he comes now! Quick! Hide in that little room!" 如果让他看见你,就会杀了你。现在他来了。快点儿!藏到那个小屋里!”
  Just as Jack hid himself, the big giant came into the castle. 杰克刚藏好自己,巨人就进了城堡。
  He was so heavy that he made all the tables and chairs shake as he walked. 他好重,一走动弄得桌椅都摇晃。
  The giant looked all around the room. 巨人在房子里看了一圈。
  Then he growled in a deep, gruff voice, "Wife, wife, I smell a boy in the castle! Where is he?" 他低沉粗哑地咆哮道:“老婆,老婆,我在城堡里闻到了一个男孩的味道!他在哪里?”
  "You smell only the meat that I have cooked for your supper," said his wife. "Sit down and eat." “你闻到的是我为你晚饭准备的肉味,”他的妻子说,“坐下吃饭吧。”
  When the giant was through eating, he growled, "Wife, bring the magic hen!" 巨人吃完东西后,吼道:“老婆,把神奇的母鸡拿来!”
  His wife brought the hen and put it on the table. 他的妻子把母鸡拿来放在了桌子上。
  "Lay, good hen!" cried the giant. “好母鸡,下蛋吧!”巨人喊道。
  At once the hen laid a golden egg. 母鸡马上下了一颗金蛋。
  "Lay again!" said the giant, and the hen laid a second golden egg. “再下!”巨人说,于是母鸡下了第二颗金蛋。
  "Lay again!" said the giant, and the hen laid a third golden egg. “再下!”巨人说,母鸡下了第三颗金蛋。
  Then the giant put the three eggs into his pocket and soon fell fast asleep. 巨人随后把三颗金蛋放进衣袋里,不久就睡着了。
  Now Jack had been peeping through a crack in the door, and he had seen the wonderful hen. 这时杰克正从门缝里往外偷看,他看到了那只神奇的母鸡。
  "There is the hen that the fairy told me to get!" he thought. “这就是仙女告诉我要拿得母鸡!”他想。
  So while the giant was asleep, Jack crept softly out of the little room.  于是,杰克在巨人睡觉时,悄悄走出了小屋。
  Without making a sound, he took the magic hen and ran from the castle. 于是,杰克在巨人睡觉时,悄悄走出了小屋。
  In a minute he reached the beanstalk. Soon he was safe on the earth below. 一会儿就到了仙豆那儿。不久之后,他安全到达地面。
  How happy his mother was when she saw the hen that laid golden eggs! 他的妈妈看到那只下金蛋的母鸡时非常高兴。