中英双语新闻 德国总理默克尔寻求第四任期(在线收听

BBC news with Jerry Smit.

The German chancellor Angela Merkel has confirmed that she will seek a fourth term in office in next year's election, bringing months of speculation to an end. She told her CDU party it will be a tough challenge at the time of the stark polarization in society and promised battle for democratic values.

Voting has ended in a primary election in France to choose a presidential candidate for the centre right opposition party the Republicans. There has been a very hard turnout. The moderate former prime minister Alain Jupp and two more right wingers Nicolas Sarkozy and Franois Fillon appeared to be leading contenders.

The US president-elect Donald Trump is meeting more potential members of his cabinet in his golf club in New Jersy. One of those who is considered as general James Martins, who is a leading contender to become the next secretary of defense.

President Obama has briefly met president Putin on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru for the first time since the election of Donald Trump. The White House said Mr Obama had urged Mr Putin to try to diminish the violence in Syria.

As fighting continues for controlling the Northern Syrian city Aleppo, the government in Demascus has rejected the latest the United Nations’ truce proposal. The Syrian Foreign Minister has opposed the plan, under which Eastern Aleppo would remain under rebel control as jihadist fighters withdrew.

Voting is taking place in Haiti to elect president, more than two dozen candidates survive to succeed the former president Michel Martelly who left office in Feburary. It's concerned that last month's devastating hurricane could weaken turnout.

Officials and activists in Lybia say that a deadly clash between tribes has been set off by a pet monkey. Reports say a monkey belonging to members of one tribe attacked a group of school girls belonging to another, sparking four days of fighting.

Jerry Smit为您报道BBC新闻。

德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)证实她将在明年的选举中寻求第四任期,连续数月的猜测宣告终结。她告诉她所属的基督教民主联盟(CDU),在社会两极化的时刻,这将是一个艰巨的挑战,她承诺为民主价值观而战。

法国中右翼反对党派共和党总统候选人初选投票工作结束。投票率非常低。温和派前总理阿兰·朱佩(Alain Jupp),两位右翼分子尼古拉·萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)和弗朗索瓦·菲永(Francois Fillon)暂时领先。

美国新当选总统唐纳德·特朗普在新泽西高尔夫俱乐部会见了更多可能成为内阁成员的人选。正在考虑的一人就是有望成为下任国防部长的詹姆斯·马丁(James Martins)将军。



海地选举总统的投票工作正在进行,总统米歇尔·马尔泰利(Michel Martelly)于2月份离职,20多名候选人展开角逐。人们担忧上月灾难性的飓风将影响投票率。

