美国小学英语教材3:第15课 傻蛋的故事(1)(在线收听

   The Simpleton 傻蛋的故事

  This story is about a boy who was always doing strange things. 这则故事讲述了一个行事古怪的男孩。
  His brothers thought that he did not know very much, and called him a simpleton. 他的哥哥们认为他不谙世事,便叫他傻蛋。
  Find out if this was good name for him. 看看这个名字对他来说是不是名副其实。
  One fine day a boy was walking down the road, jingling some money in his pockets. 在一个天气晴朗的日子,一个男孩走在大路上,他拨弄着口袋里的钱币叮当作响。
  After a while he met a farmer with a basket on his arm. 不一会儿,他遇见了一个手提篮子的农夫。
  "Good-morning," said the boy. "What have you in your basket?" 早上好,男孩说。你的篮子里有什么?
  "Nothing for you," said the farmer crossly. 没有什么能给你的,农夫蛮横地说。
  So the boy went on, jingling his money. 于是男孩继续走他的路,仍旧让钱币叮当作响。
  "What is that noise I hear?" called the farmer. 我听到的是什么声音?农民回过头问道。
  "Oh," said the boy, "that is the money my brothers gave me. 哦,那是我哥哥们给我的钱。
  They say I am a simpleton; so they gave me some money and sent me away from home." 他们说我是个傻蛋;于是给我了一些钱,把我赶出了家。男孩说。
  The farmer liked the sound of Simpleton's money. 听到钱的声音农民非常高兴。
  "See here!" he said. "I have a very fine goose in my basket, and I will sell it to you." 看这!他说。我的篮子里有只上好的大肥鹅,我要把它卖给你。
  "That is such a fine goose," said Simpleton, "that I will be glad to buy it." 嗯,这确实是只上好的大肥鹅,傻蛋说,我会很高兴买下它。
  At once he gave the farmer the money and took the goose. 他马上把钱给了农民,拿走了这只鹅。
  As Simpleton started to walk down the road, he saw a beautiful palace on a green hill. 傻蛋准备继续赶路,他看到在郁郁葱葱的山间有座美丽的宫殿。
  "Whose palace is that?" he called to the farmer. 于是他问那个农民,那个宫殿是谁的?
  "Oh!" laughed the farmer. "What a simpleton you are! 哈!农民笑到。你可真是头脑简单啊!
  Have you never heard of the king's palace? Our great king lives there." 你难道就从来没有听说过王宫吗?那儿住着的可是我们伟大的国王。
  "If that is where the king lives," said Simpleton, 傻蛋说,如果那儿就是国王的住所,
  "I will take my goose to the palace and give it to him." On he went, singing merrily. 我要把我的肥鹅带到王宫献给他。说完他向前走去,边走边欢快地唱着歌。