英国语文第一册 第8期:很久以前(在线收听

   LESSON 8 LONG TIME AGO 第八课 很久以前

  Once there was a little kitty 很久以前,
  Whiter than snow; 曾经有一只小猫
  In a barn she used to frolic, 皮毛白得胜过白雪
  Long time ago. 它常常在谷仓里嬉戏
  In the barn a little mousie 很久以前
  Ran to and fro; 在谷仓里有只小老鼠,
  For she heard the kitty coming, 来来回回,窜来窜去
  Long time ago. 因为她听到了小猫来了。
  Two eyes had little kitty, 很久以前,
  Black as a sloe; 小猫长着一双眼睛
  And they spied the little mousie, 漆黑如墨,
  Long time ago. 就是这锐利的双眼发现了小老鼠。
  Four paws had little kitty, 很久以前,
  Paws soft as dough; 小猫长着四只爪子,
  And they caught the little mousie; 它们柔软如面团;
  Long time ago. 就是它们抓住了小老鼠。
  Nine teeth had little kitty, 很久以前,
  All in a row; 小猫嘴里长着九颗牙齿,
  And they bit the little mousie, 它们整齐地排成一排,
  Long time ago; 就是它们咬住了小老鼠。
  When the teeth bit little mousie, 很久以前,
  Little mouse cried “Oh!” 当小猫的牙齿咬住了小老鼠,
  But she got away from kitty, 小老鼠恐惧地叫着”哎呀!“
  Long time ago. 可是她成功地从猫嘴里脱逃了。