中英双语新闻 特朗普有意改革银行监管措施(在线收听

BBC News with Marian Marshall.

There has been a furious international reaction to the suspected gas attack on a rebel-held town in Syria that's reported to have killed at least 58 people. A Syrian government source has denied using chemical weapons. United Nations Security Council will discuss the matter on Wednesday.

Russia has confirmed that the prime suspect in the St.Petersburg metro bombing was a 22-year-old, named Akbarzhon Jalilov. It said there was also evidence linking him to a second device that failed to go off.

The UN Secretary General has criticized America's decision to withdraw funding for the agency that provides support for reproductive health.Antonio Guterres said the move could have a devastating effect on vulnerable women and girls.

President Trump has said he's working on sweeping reforms to the banking regulations introduced after the financial crisis. Some worry that if the regulations disappear, banks could once again run up danger's bets on financial instruments.

The second television debate is underway in France between all 11 presidential candidates. The main contenders, the centrist Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen of the far-right National Front are neck and neck in the opinion polls.

One of Hungary's top universities has said it will ask the President to stop a new law which could shut it down. The Central European University said the law was an attack on academic freedom. The nationalist government said it only addressed irregularities.

The National Electoral Council in Ecuador has declared the socialist candidate Lenin Moreno the winner of Sunday's presidential poll. With almost all the results now in, he has more than 51% of the vote.

Police in Spain are investigating the third-division football team Eldense after their 12-0 defeat at the weekend. The team's striker has said some of his team mates are due to make a lot of money from bets on the result.

Marian Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。


俄罗斯证实,圣彼得堡地铁爆炸案头号嫌犯是一名22岁的男子,名为阿克巴尔荣·贾利洛夫(Akbarzhon Jalilov)。俄方称,也有证据表明他与另外一起失败的爆炸有关。

联合国秘书长批评了美国停止为生殖健康支持机构提供资金的决定。安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)表示,此举将对女性和女孩这个弱势群体带来灾难性的影响。


法国总统选举所有11名候选人之间正在举行第二场电视辩论。主要的竞争者,中立派马卡龙(Emmanuel Macron)和极右翼国民阵线的玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)在民意测验中不相上下。


厄瓜多尔国家选举委员会宣布社会党候选人莫瑞诺(Lenin Moreno)在周日的总统选举中获胜。现在几乎所有投票结果已经统计完成,莫瑞诺赢得了超过51%的选票。

