英国语文第二册 第24期:狮子和老鼠(在线收听

   LESSON 24 The lion and the mouse 第24课狮子和老鼠

  One day, as a lion was lying asleep in a forest, some mice began to amuse themselves by running over him.  有一天,当狮子在森林里打盹儿时,一些老鼠开始在他周围嬉戏、玩耍。
  At last they awoke him and starting up, he laid his paw upon one little thing that could not get away with the rest. 最后,他们不小心把他惊醒了。终于狮子抓住了一只小老鼠。
  The lion was just going to kill the little thing, when it began to plead for its life.  正当狮子准备杀死这小东西时,它开始为它自己求情。
  It pleaded so hard, that at last the lion let it go and the grateful mouse said "Noble lion!  它恳求得如此真切,狮子很受感动便让它走了;小老鼠感激地说道:“伟大的狮子!
  I trust I may one day be able to repay your kindness to me. 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩惠。”
  "The lion smiled at the idea of such a little animal ever being of use to him; and the mouse ran off to its hole.  狮子觉得这样一个小动物有如此想法真是好笑,之后小老鼠便回到自己的洞里了。
  Some time after this, the lion was caught in a strong net made of ropes, that had been spread for him in the forest by some hunters. 过了一阵子后,狮子不幸被猎人设在森林中的网困住了。
  He struggled in vain to get free, and roared with pain and terror.The little mouse heard him, and ran to his help.  他痛苦地挣扎并咆哮着但一切都是徒劳。就在这时,小老鼠听到他充满恐惧的叫声,并顺着声音的方向跑去。
  It set to work with its sharp teeth and at last, after a great deal of labour, it gnawed through the rope, and set the lion free!  它用锋利的牙齿不断啃咬,费了好大的劲儿终于才将绳子咬断,让狮子重获自由。