英国语文第二册 第30期:北极熊(在线收听

   LESSON 30 The white bear 第三十课 北极熊

  In the cold North there is always snow on the ground.  在寒冷的北极常年冰雪覆盖。
  Even in summer it is very cold, as great blocks of ice float about in the sea. 即使在夏天气温也很低,因为到处可见漂浮在海上的巨大冰块。
  Here is the home of the Polar Bear.  北极熊正是安居于此。
  He does not mind the cold; for God has given him a coat of thick fur to keep him warm.  因为上帝赐的一件厚厚的毛皮大衣,他不畏寒冷。
  He enjoys the sharp air as much as you do the warm sunshine. 他漫步于凛冽的寒风中好似沐浴在温暖的阳光下。
  He never slips on the ice, as you do; for the soles of his feet are covered with long hair.  和人类不同,因脚底覆满长毛他从不会在冰面上滑倒。
  He walks as softly as if he had a pair of fur boots on. 他走路轻盈,就好像蹬有一双皮靴子。
  The bear lives near the sea; for he likes to swim in the water.  北极熊临海而居,因为他喜欢在水里嬉戏玩耍。
  And there, too, he generally finds plenty to eat.He is very fond of catching a seal for his dinner.  在那里,有很多食物尤其是他喜欢吃的海豹。
  He roams over the ice till he comes to a place where he sees that the ice is melted. 他在冰上转悠直到发现有冰块消融的地方。
  He knows that this is a likely place for a seal to pop up its head.  他知道海豹很可能从这里上来透气。
  So he sits down and watches.By-and-by, up comes the round head of the seal.  于是他坐下来观望,不一会,一个圆圆的脑袋便伸了出来。
  The bear pounces upon it.  熊猛扑上去,
  He drags the seal out of the water, tears it to pieces, and eats it. 他把海豹从海里拖出来,撕成碎片后开始享用。
  Sometimes he dives into the water after a fish, and is so quick, that he catches it before it can escape.  有时他会潜入水中追鱼,在鱼还没反应过来时就将其抓住。
  Sometimes he comes upon a bit of dead whale, and thinks it a great treat. 有时他也会发现一条死鲸鱼,觉得是一顿大餐。
  When he cannot find food on the coast, he goes to some spot where the snow has melted, and feeds on berries.  当他在岸上找不到食物时,他就会去找冰雪消融的地方挖些浆果为食。
  If he is very hungry indeed, he is glad to eat even the sea-weed on the shore. 如果他真的特别饿,吃到海边的水草对他来说也是一件高兴事。