英国语文第三册 第44期:圣伯纳犬(上)(在线收听

   LESSON 41 The saint bernard dog 第四十一课 圣伯纳犬

  The Saint Bernard dog is very large and strong, with a large head, long hair, and a bushy tail.  圣伯纳犬体型庞大,体格健壮,头部很大,毛发很长,还有一条毛茸茸的尾巴。
  He is a noble-looking dog, and he is as noble and intelligent as he looks. 圣伯纳犬给人很高贵之感,而且事实上,它就如看上去那样高贵聪明。
  His home is among the Alps,—high mountains in Switzerland.  圣伯纳犬主要产于阿尔卑斯山脉地区,——瑞士的高山中。
  There are several very steep and narrow roads, called "Passes,"  山中有几条很陡峭狭窄的道路,当地人称为“通道”。
  which lead over these mountains into Italy. 这条路直通意大利。
  There are snow-storms on these mountains even in summer;  即使是在夏天,这些大山里也会大雪弥漫;
  but in the long winter season they are extremely violent, and the passes are then very dangerous.  在冬天,暴风雪就会变得极其猛烈,因此这条通道在这时候会变得很危险。
  These storms sometimes come on very suddenly, 暴风雪有时来的很突然,
  often after a bright and pleasant morning.  通常会在风和日丽的早晨袭来。
  The snow falls so thickly, that in a few hours the traveller is buried beneath the drifts. 雪下得很大,所以只需数小时游客就会葬身雪堆下。
  Hundreds of persons have lost their lives in trying to pass over these mountains during the winter season.  成百上千的人都曾想在冬天翻越这些山峰,但都难逃厄运。
  But many lives have been saved by the sagacity and kindness of the Saint Bernard dogs. 但也有很多人被聪明善良的圣伯纳犬救下。
  These dogs take their name from the Convent of Saint Bernard, where they are kept.  这些狗是圣伯纳修道院所养,故此得名。
  This house is situated far up in the pass of the Grand Saint Bernard, 这所修道院位于大圣伯纳通道远处的山上,
  one of the most dangerous of the Alpine passes. 大圣伯纳通道是阿尔卑斯山地区其中一条最危险的通道。
  Here devoted monks live all the year, for the purpose of aiding travellers;  为了帮助游客,修道士们终生都生活在这里;
  and, with the help of their dogs, they are able to save many lives. 在圣伯纳犬的帮助下,他们挽救了许多生命。