英国语文第三册 第71期:雨课(在线收听

 Lesson 59 The rain lesson 第五十九课 雨课

"Mother, it rains!" and tears like rain fell down, “妈妈,下雨了”,眼泪下落时也像雨一样,
"O little daughter! see, the plants rejoice; 女儿,看,植物多开心啊,
The rose-buds blush, and in your garden-bed 你花房里的玫瑰花蕾脸红了,
The drooping violets look so gladly up, 低着头的紫罗兰看起来也很开心,
Blessing our God for rain. He knows what's best." 感谢上帝赐给雨水,他知道什么对我们是最好的。
"Yes, mother, He knows everything; and so 是的,妈妈他知道所有事情,
He surely knows there's but one afternoon 他如此的确定一周里只有一个下午下雨
In all the week that I can have from school; 整个星期我都可以离开学校,
And 'tis the third that I've had leave to go and play with Mary, if it did not rain, 如果没有下雨,这会是我第三次去找Mary一起玩,
And gather wild-flowers in her father's grove, 在她爸爸的果园中采野花,
And now it rains again." 现在又下雨了。
The mother took the mourner on her knee, and kissed away the blinding grief. 妈妈跪下来抱着伤心的孩子,用吻来赶走女儿的悲痛。
And then she told her tales of the great Eastern deserts parched and dry, 然后讲起了干燥缺水的东方沙漠里的故事
And how the traveller 'mid the burning sands 沙漠中的旅客是如何在炙烤的沙地上
Watches for rain-clouds with a fainting gaze; 渴望着雨水的到来
And showed her pictures of the caravan, 并且展示了沙漠旅行团的图片,
And the poor camel with his out-stretched neck longing for water. 可怜的骆驼伸着脖子渴望着雨水。
And she told her, too, 她还告诉她
Of the sad mother in the wilderness, 荒野里可怜的妈妈和用光的水瓶的故事
And the spent water-bottle:—how she laid her darling son among the shrubs to die, 她是如何让心爱的儿子躺在灌木丛中死去,
Bowing her head down that she might not see the agony of the long death from thirst; 低下头或许就不会看到饥渴而死的痛苦,
And how the blessed Angel, when she prayed, 当她祷告时,天使是如何
Showed her a crystal well to save her child. 给她一滴水晶挽救儿子生命的。
And other stories from the Book of God 其他的故事来自于上帝之书
Breathed that kind teacher to the listening one. 请深呼吸听老师讲给听众听,
Seated so meek beside her:—how there fell 温顺的坐在她旁边。
No rain in Israel, till the grass decayed, 在以色列没水是什么感受,直到草枯萎,
And the brooks wasted, and the cattle died; 溪流干枯,牛群死亡。
And good Elijah with his earnest prayer 以利亚开始真诚地祷告上帝,
Besought the Lord, till the consenting cloud 直到天空下雨,
Gave rain, and thankful earth her fruits restored 感谢土地归还了他们的果实,
And then they sang a hymn; and, full of joy, 然后他们唱起了颂歌,充满了喜悦。
The baby, crowing from his nurse's arms, 这个婴儿,在护士的手臂上啼哭,
Came in and joined them, creeping merrily 也过来加入了他们,自顾自的跟在小姐姐后面,
And after his little sister; till, her pain of disappointment all absorbed in love, 直到她失望的痛苦全部被爱沉浸,
She thanked her mother for the pleasant time 她感谢妈妈给她这段美好的时光,
And for her tender lessons. 还有她慈爱的一课。
So that night, 所以那天晚上,
Amid her simple prayer, they heard her say 在她简单的祷告中,他们听到她说
Words of sweet praise to Him whose mercy gives 一些甜美赞扬的话给上帝听,上帝给人们带来了神圣的雨水。
The blessed rain:—"For now I know, O God, what pleases thee is best." 现在,我知道了,上帝,做什么对你而言是最好。