美国小学英语教材3:第47课 狐狸哥哥和柏油娃娃(1)(在线收听

 Brother Fox's Tar Baby 狐狸哥哥和柏油娃娃

Most of the time Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit were good friends, but this story tells about what happened when they had a quarrel. 狐狸哥哥和兔子弟弟大部分时间是好朋友,但这则故事讲述了他们之间发生争吵的事情。
One hot summer day Brother Fox went trotting along a path in the woods. 夏季炎热的一天,狐狸哥哥在森林里一路小跑。
Suddenly he met Brother Rabbit, who looked very warm—very warm, indeed. 突然他遇见了兔子弟弟,兔子弟弟看起来实在是非常的热。
Brother Rabbit said, "It's a hot day, Brother Fox. Where are you going?" 兔子弟弟说,狐狸哥哥今天可真热呀,你这是要去哪啊?
"I'm going fishing, "said Brother Fox. "Come along with me." 狐狸哥哥说,我要去钓鱼,跟我一起去吧。
Brother Rabbit shook his head. 兔子弟弟摇摇头。
"Do you want to fish on a hot day like this?" he said. "Sit in the sun and fish? No, indeed!" 这么热的天,你想去钓鱼,他说,坐在太阳底下钓鱼,不,我不去。
"Well, let's get some sticks and build a little house on the edge of the river. 那好吧,我们收集一些木棍在河边搭个屋子吧,
Then we can sit in it and be cool while we fish," said Brother Fox. 这样我们就能坐在里面一边乘凉一边钓鱼了,狐狸哥哥说,
"Build a house on this hot day?" said Brother Rabbit. "No, thank you! I don't care for fish, anyway. A few green leaves are all I need." 这么热的天搭屋子,算了吧,谢谢你,我也不喜欢钓鱼,我需要的就是几片绿叶,兔子弟弟说。
So Brother Fox went on by himself. He built a cool little house by the side of the river. 于是,狐狸哥哥自己去了,他在河边搭了个阴凉的小屋子。
"Now," he thought, "I shall fish here alone. Brother Rabbit had better keep away." 他想,现在我可以独自在这里钓鱼了。兔子弟弟最好不要来。
The next afternoon Brother Rabbit found Brother Fox's little house. 第二天下午,兔子弟弟发现了狐狸哥哥的小屋子。
In he went and began to fish, but soon he heard Brother Fox coming. He ran up the bank and hid in the bushes. 他走了进去开始钓鱼,但是不久他就听到狐狸哥哥过来了,他迅速跑上堤岸藏在了灌木丛里。
When Brother Fox came near his little house, he saw tracks in the sand. 狐狸哥哥来到小屋旁,看到了沙子上的足迹。
"What are these?" he said to himself. "Rabbit-tracks? So Brother Rabbit has been in my house! 这是什么?他自言自语道。兔子的脚印?这么说来,兔子弟弟来过我的屋子了!
Well, I'd just like to catch him fishing here! But how can I do it?" 好吧,他在这钓鱼,我要逮他个正着!但我现在怎么办?
He thought and thought. At last he said, "I know how to catch him. Brother Rabbit had better look out!" 狐狸哥哥想啊想,最后他说,我知道怎么抓住他了。兔子弟弟最好小心点!