Listening Comprehension(在线收听



Part 2:

Listen to the news carefully and then fill in the brackets with the correct answer to each question put forward in the tape.


1. A.100   B.30   C. 300      D. 8


2. A. Westminster Abbey   B. St. George’s Chapel


3. A. Kimhae  B. Seoul  C. Pusan    D. Beijing


4. A. 50 million dollars     B. 55 million dollars

C. 40 million dollars     D. 45 million dollars


Question in the tape

1.   How many Palestinians surrendered to Israeli troops ?

2.   Where is the Queen Mother’s final resting place ?

3.   Which airport did Boeing 737 crash nearby ?

4.   How much does an Airbus A320 cost ?


Keys of the exercise

1. C   2. B     3. A     4. B CE
