美国语文第二册 第47期:猫头鹰(1)(在线收听

 LESSON 52 第五十二课

oak 橡树
dusk 黄昏
fight 搏斗
squeak 吱吱声
ruffled 起伏的
bag 袋子
Fred 弗瑞德
whoo 咕
awake 清醒
creeping 爬行
"Where did you get that owl, Harry?" “哈里,你是从哪里逮到这只猫头鹰的?”
"Fred and I found him in the old, hollow oak." “弗瑞德和我在一棵老橡树的空洞里发现它的。”
"How did you know he was there?" “你怎么知道它在那儿呢?”
"I'll tell you. “我告诉你,
Fred and I were playing 'hide and seek' round the old barn,  one night just at dusk. 一天傍晚,弗瑞德和我在谷仓周围玩捉迷藏”。
"I was just creeping round the corner, “我刚爬到角落里,
when I heard a loud squeak, 就听见一记响亮的吱吱声。
and a big bird flew up with something in his claws. 一只大鸟腾空而起,爪子上抓着一些东西。”
"I called Fred, 我叫上弗瑞德,
and we watched him as he flew to the woods. 一起看着它飞向树林。
Fred thought the bird was an owl, 弗瑞德认为那是只猫头鹰,
and that he had a nest in the old oak. 它的窝在老橡树里。
"The next day we went to look for him, “第二天,我们去找它,
and, sure enough, he was there." 发现他就在那里。”
"But how did you catch him? “但你们是怎么逮着它的呢?
I should think he could fight like a good fellow with that sharp bill." 我想它可以用锋利的喙像勇士一样搏斗。”
"He can when he is wide awake; “它十分清醒时是可以的,
but owls can't see very well in the daytime, 但猫头鹰在白天看不太清楚东西,
and he was taking a nap. 它正在打盹儿。”
"He opened his great eyes, “它睁开它的大眼睛,
and ruffled up his feathers, 竖起羽毛,
and said, "Whoo! Whoo!' 说:‘咕!咕!’
'Never mind who,' Fred said, ‘是谁都没关系。’弗瑞德说着,
and slipped him into a bag." 就把它塞进了袋子。”