美国语文第二册 第59期:可怜的大卫(在线收听

   rung 铃响

  Davy 大卫
  violet 紫色的
  recess 休息
  arrange 安排
  ferns 蕨类
  maple 枫树
  dainty 美味的
  lingered 徘徊
  prettiest 极美地
  POOR DAVY 可怜的大卫
  It was recess time at the village school. 现在是乡村学校里的下课时间。
  The bell had rung, 铃声响了,
  and the children had run out into the bright sunshine, wild with laughter and fun. 孩子们欣喜地笑着,跑到灿烂的阳光下。
  All but poor Davy. 可怜的大卫不是这样。
  He came out last and very slowly,  but he did not laugh. 他最后一个缓慢走出来,脸上没有一丝笑容。
  He was in trouble, 他遇到了麻烦,
  and the bright, golden sunlight did not make him glad. 金灿灿的阳光也没能令他高兴起来。
  He walked across the yard, 他穿过操场,
  and sat down on a stone behind the old maple. 坐在一棵老枫树后面的石头上。
  A little bird on the highest branch sang just to make him laugh. 一只小鸟在最高处的枝头上唱起了歌,想令他笑起来。
  But Davy did not notice it. 大卫却没有注意到它。
  He was thinking of the cruel words that had been said about his ragged clothes. 他正想着人们嘲笑他的破衣裳时所说的刻薄的话。
  The tears stole out of his eyes,  and ran down his cheeks. 眼泪偷偷从眼睛里流出来,落到了他的脸颊上。
  Poor Davy had no father, 可怜的大卫没有爸爸,
  and his mother had to work hard to keep him at school. 他的妈妈不得不辛苦地工作,为他挣得学费。
  That night, he went home by the path that led across the fields and through the woods. 那一晚,他走在贯穿田野和树林的回家的路上,
  He still felt sad. 心里仍然很难过。
  Davy did not wish to trouble his mother; 大卫不想令他的妈妈烦心,
  so he lingered a while among the trees, 他在树上逗留了一会儿,
  and at last threw himself on the green moss under them. 最后滑到树下绿色的青苔上。
  Just then his teacher came along. 就在这时,他的老师走了过来。
  She saw who it was, and stopped, saying kindly, 她看到大卫,于是停下脚步,和蔼地说:
  "What is the matter, Davy?" “怎么了,大卫?”
  He did not speak, but the tears began again to start. 他没有说话,眼泪却再次流了出来。
  "Won't you tell me? Perhaps I can help you." “你不想告诉我吗?也许我能帮助你呢。”
  Then he told her all his trouble. 于是,大卫把他所有的烦恼都告诉了老师。
  When he ended, she said, cheerily, 当他讲完后,老师高兴地说:
  "I have a plan, Davy, that I think will help you." “我有一个主意,大卫,我觉得这个主意可以帮助你。”
  "Oh, what is it?" he said, sitting up with a look of hope, “哦?什么主意?”他说。他满怀希望地坐了起来,
  while a tear fell upon a blue violet. 就在一滴眼泪落在一只蓝色的紫罗兰上时。
  "Well, how would you like to be a little flower merchant?" “好吧,你想不想做一个卖花的小商人?”
  "And earn money?" said Davy. “来赚钱?”大卫说,
  "That would be jolly. But where shall I get my flowers?" “这个主意很好,但我从哪儿才能采到花呢?”
  "Right in these woods, and in the fields," said his teacher. “就从这些树林和田野里采。”老师说,
  " Here are lovely blue violets, “这里有一些可爱的蓝色紫罗兰,
  down by the brook are white ones, 小溪边有一些白色的,
  and among the rocks are ferns and mosses. 这些石头中还有些蕨类和苔藓。
  Bring them all to my house, 你把它们都带到我的房子里,
  and I will help you arrange them. 我会帮你整理好它们。”
  So, day after day, Davy hunted the woods for the prettiest flowers, 于是,大卫每天都到森林里去寻找漂亮的花,
  and the most dainty ferns and mosses. 以及最可口的蕨类和苔藓。
  After his teacher had helped to arrange them, 等老师帮他整理好之后,
  he took them to the city that was near, and sold them. 他就把它们带到附近的城里去卖。
  He soon earned money enough to buy new clothes. 很快,他就赚到了足够的钱来买新衣服。
  Now the sunshine and the bird's songs make him glad. 现在,阳光和鸟儿的歌唱也会令他非常高兴。