美国语文第三册 第21期:风和太阳(在线收听

   LESSON 22 第22课

  decide  决定
  buckled  扣
  mountain  山
  shelter  避难所
  party 部分
  dispute  争端
  succeed  成功
  forcibly  强行
  mantle  地幔
  oven 烤箱
  A dispute once arose between the Wind and the Sun, as to which was the stronger. 有一次,风和太阳起了争执,双方都在强调自己更厉害。
  To decide the matter, they agreed to try their power on a traveler.  为了解决这个问题,风和太阳都同意在一个旅行者身上施展威力。
  That party which should first strip him of his cloak,was to win the day. 最先让他脱掉斗篷的一方,就是当天的胜利者。
  The Wind began. He blew a cutting blast, which tore up the mountain oaks by their roots, and made the whole forest look like a wreck. 风先开始,它发动了猛烈地攻击,甚至把山上的橡树都连根拔起来了,整个森林一片狼藉,似乎全都遭到了严重破坏。
  But the traveler, though at first he could scarcely keep his cloak on his back,  但是,这个旅行者起先尽管差点没能保住自己背上的斗篷,
  ran under a hill for shelter, and buckled his mantle about him more closely. 但他很快就跑到一个小山丘下寻求庇护,并且迅速紧紧地扣好了身上的斗篷。
  The Wind having thus tried his utmost power in vain, the Sun began. 风几乎用尽了全部力气,依然徒劳无功,接下来轮到了太阳进攻。
  Bursting through a thick cloud, he darted his sultry beams so forcibly upon the traveler's head, that the poor fellow was almost melted. 太阳光冲破厚厚的云层喷薄而出,猛烈地向旅行者的头顶照射强光,这个可怜的家伙都快被融化了。
  "This," said he, "is past all bearing. It is so hot, that one might as well be in an oven." 他自言自语地说:“再也受不了了,实在太热了,就像在烤箱中一样备受煎熬。”
  So he quickly threw off his cloak, and went into the shade of a tree to cool himself. 于是,他快速脱掉了自己的斗篷,走到一片树阴下乘凉。
  This fable teaches us, that gentle means will often succeed where for cible ones will fail. 这则寓言告诉我们,温柔的手段往往会成功,而强硬的手段往往都会失败。