美国语文第四册 第28期:水手的慰藉(在线收听

   One night came on a hurricane, 一天夜里,飓风袭来,

  The sea was mountains rolling, 大海像摇摆的高山,
  When Barney Buntline turned his quid, 巴尼.邦特莱恩咀嚼着烟草
  And said to Billy Bowling: 和比利.鲍灵说着话,
  A strong norwester's blowing, Bill; 比尔,正在刮着强西北风;
  Hark! don't ye hear it roar now? 听!现在你听到它咆哮没有?
  Lord help 'em, how I pities all unhappy folks on shore now! 愿上帝保佑他们,我真为那些正在岸上的人们感到惋惜
  Foolhardy chaps who live in town, 有勇无谋的家伙们住在镇上,
  What danger they are all in, 他们经历过什么险境,
  And now are quaking in their beds, 现在正在他们的床上瑟瑟发抖,
  For fear the roof shall fall in: 担心屋顶会掉下来;
  Poor creatures, how they envy us, 可怜的人们,他们多么羡慕我们,
  And wish, as I've a notion, 我这样想,他们会
  For our good luck, in such a storm,to be upon the ocean. 祝愿我们在这样的风暴中,行进在海上,能有好运气。
  But as for them who're out all day, 但对于每天外出工作的人来说,
  On business from their houses, 从他们的家里外出工作,
  And late at night are coming home, 晚上很晚才回家。
  To cheer the babes and spouses; 还要哄哄孩子和妻子;
  While you and I, Bill, on the deck, are comfortably lying, 比尔,当我和你在甲板上,舒舒服服地躺着,
  My eyes! what tiles and chimney pots about their heads are flying! 我的眼睛看到了什么!砖瓦和烟囱帽都在他们头上飞啊!
  And very often have we heard how men are killed and undone,By overturns of carriages, 而且我们常听说人们是怎样被倾覆的马车
  By thieves, and fires in London. 伦敦的抢劫和大火,夺去生命,灰飞烟灭。
  We know what risks all landsmen run, 我们知道住在岸上的人们面对着怎样的风险,
  From noblemen to tailors; 从贵族到海员,
  Then, Bill, let us thank Providence 那么,比尔,谢天谢地,
  That you and I are sailors. 你和我是海员。