美国语文第四册 第29期:两种方式讲述同一个故事(1)(在线收听

   In one of the most populous cities of New England, a few years ago, a party of lads, all members of the same school, got up a grand sleigh ride. 几年前,在新英格兰一个人口稠密的城市里,一群小伙子坐上了一辆大雪橇,他们都是来自同一个学校的学生。

  The sleigh was a very large one, drawn by six gray horses. 雪橇体积非常庞大,由六匹灰色的骏马拉着。
  On the following day, as the teacher entered the schoolroom, 第二天,老师走进教室,
  he found his pupils in high glee, as they chattered about the fun and frolic of their excursion. 发现他的学生们都异常兴奋,还在谈论着前一天出行的逸闻趣事。
  In answer to some inquiries, one of the lads gave him an account of their trip and its various incidents. 为回答老师的询问,其中一个小伙子给他描述了他们的行程和一些小插曲。
  As he drew near the end of his story, he exclaimed,Oh, sir! there was one thing I had almost forgotten. 当他快讲完时,忽然大声说道:“对了,先生!我差点忘了一件事。
  As we were coming home, we saw ahead of us a queer looking affair in the road. 我们快到家时,看见前面路上有个非常奇怪的东西。
  It proved to be a rusty old sleigh, fastened behind a covered wagon, proceeding at a very slow rate, and taking up the whole road. 后来证实那是一个锈迹斑斑的旧雪橇,被绑在了一辆有篷马车后面,行进速度特别慢,把整条路都挡住了。
  Finding that the owner was not disposed to turn out, we determined upon a volley of snowballs and a good hurrah. 发现马车的主人并没有让路的打算,我们决定一起朝他扔雪球,一起大叫起哄。
  They produced the right effect, for the crazy machine turned out into the deep snow, and the skinny old pony started on a full trot. 这些确实起了作用,那辆不正常的马车陷在了厚厚的积雪里,那匹干瘦的老马开始小跑起来。
  As we passed, some one gave the horse a good crack, which made him run faster than he ever did before, I'll warrant. 当我们赶超前面马车时,有人朝那匹马打了个响指,使得它比之前任何时候跑得都快,我敢保证。
  With that, an old fellow in the wagon, who was buried up under an old hat, bawled out, Why do you frighten my horse? 马车里坐着一名老者,整个脸几乎都掩藏在一顶旧礼帽下。这样一来,他高声斥责道,你们为什么吓唬我的马?
  Why don't you turn out, then? says the driver. So we gave him three rousing cheers more. 那你为什么不让开路?后面的驾驶员说道。所以我们又给他起了三次哄。
  His horse was frightened again, and ran up against a loaded wagon, and, I believe, almost capsized the old creature—and so we left him. 他的马又受到了惊吓,朝着一辆满载货物的马车冲了过去。我想肯定把那个老头弄翻了——然后我们就驾车走远了。
  "Well, boys," replied the teacher, take your seats, and I will tell you a story, and all about a sleigh ride, too. “好了,孩子们,”老师回答道,“你们都坐下吧”,我来给你们讲个故事,也是关于一次雪橇出行的。