美国语文第四册 第36期:狮子(2)(在线收听

   He played with the lion for some time; but at last, being wearied, both he and the lion fell asleep. 他和狮子玩耍了一会儿,但最后由于疲倦,他和狮子都睡着了。

  The carpenter went on with his work, and when he had finished he called out for William to come and see it. 木匠继续着他的工作,当全部完工时,他叫威廉来看一看。
  He called again and again, but no William answered. 他叫了一遍又一遍,但都没有威廉的回答声。
  The poor carpenter began to be frightened, lest the lion had made his dinner of the keeper, or else crushed him with his great paws. 可怜的木匠开始害怕起来,担心狮子已经把管理员当作晚餐了,或者用它巨大的爪子将管理员碾碎了。
  He crept round to the upper part of the cell, and there, looking through the railing, 他匍匐着爬到笼子内部,在那儿透过栏杆
  he saw the lion and William sleeping side by side as contentedly as two little brothers. 看到狮子和威廉心满意足地并排睡在一起,像极了两个小兄弟。
  He was so astonished that he uttered a loud cry. 木匠大惊失色,不小心大叫了一声。
  The lion, awakened by the noise, stared at the carpenter with an eye of fury, 狮子被噪音吵醒,满眼怒火地瞪着他,
  and then placing his paw on the breast of his keeper, as if to say, "Touch him if you dare," the heroic beast lay down to sleep again. 将爪子搭在管理员的胸口上,仿佛在说“看你敢碰他”。这个鲁莽的野兽随后又躺下去继续睡觉。
  The carpenter was dreadfully alarmed, and, not knowing how he could rouse William, he ran out and related what he had seen. 木匠感到非常震惊,不知怎样能叫醒威廉,他跑了出去,讲述了刚才看到的一切。
  Some people came, and, opening the door of the cell, contrived to awaken the keeper, 一些人赶过来,打开笼门,设法叫醒了管理员。
  who, rubbing his eyes, quietly looked around him, and expressed himself very well satisfied with his nap. 他揉了揉眼睛,静静地看了看四周,表示对刚才的小憩非常满意。
  He took the lion's paw, shook it kindly, and then retired uninjured from the cell. 然后他抓住狮子的爪子,友好地和它握了握手,毫发无损地从笼子里退了出来。