美国语文第四册 第40期:哈里的财富(3)(在线收听

   Come quickly, now! Here are the twenty dollars all ready for you. 快点过来!这里是给你准备的20美元。

  "Make me deaf!" shouted Harry, without even looking at the gold pieces temptingly displayed upon the table. “让我耳聋!”哈里叫道,看都没看摆在桌上的诱人金币。
  I guess you will not do that, either. Why, I couldn't hear a single word if I were deaf, could I? 我猜你也不会这么做的。如果我耳朵聋了,我就一个字都听不到了,是不是?
  "Probably not," replied Uncle So, of course, Harry refused again. “大概不会,”本叔叔回答。因此,哈里再次拒绝了。
  He would never give up his hearing, he said, "no, not for three thousand dollars." 他不会放弃自己的听力,他说:“不行,3000美元也不行。”
  Uncle Ben made another note in his book, and then came out with large bids for "a right arm," 本叔叔又在他的本子上记下了什么,然后为“一条右胳膊”、
  then "left arm," "hands," "feet," "nose," finally ending with an offer of ten thousand dollars for "mother," and five thousand for "the baby." “左胳膊”、“双脚”、“鼻子”开出了更高的价钱。最后出价10000美元换“妈妈”,5000美元换“宝宝”。
  To all of these offers Harry shook his head, his eyes flashing, and exclamations of surprise and indignation bursting from his lips. 对于这些报价,哈里都摇头,眼睛闪闪的,嘴里发出表示惊讶和愤怒的感叹。
  At last, Uncle Ben said he must give up his experiments, for Harry's prices were entirely too high. 最后,本叔叔说他不得不放弃试验了,因为哈里的出价全都太高了。
  "Ha! ha!" laughed the boy, exultingly, and he folded his dimpled arms and looked as if to say, "I'd like to see the man who could pay them!" “哈哈!”小男孩得意地笑了起来,长着酒窝的胳膊交叉抱在一起,好像在说“我很想看看谁能付得起!”
  "Why, Harry, look here!" exclaimed Uncle Ben, peeping into his notebook, here is a big addition sum, I tell you! “哈里,看这里!”本叔叔瞟了一眼他的笔记本,叫道:“合计的总数很大,我告诉你!”
  He added the numbers, and they amounted to thirty-two thousand dollars. 他将数字加在一起,总计32000美元。
  "There, Harry," said Uncle Ben, "don't you think you are foolish not to accept some of my offers?" “那么,哈里,”本叔叔说,“你难道不认为不接受我的某些出价是很愚蠢的吗?”
  "No, sir, I don't," answered Harry, resolutely. “不,先生,我不这么认为。”哈里果断地回答。
  "Then," said Uncle Ben, "you talk of being poor, and by your own showing you have treasures for which you will not take thirty-two thousand dollars. “那么,”本叔叔说,你说到自己很穷,通过你的表现,你全身都是宝藏,但是你又不接受32000美元的出价。
  What do you say to that? Harry didn't know exactly what to say. 你对此想说些什么?哈里不知道该说什么好。
  So he blushed for a second, and just then tears came rolling down his cheeks, and he threw his chubby arms around my neck. 所以脸一下子红了,眼泪也从脸颊滑落下来。他用胖乎乎的胳膊搂住我的脖子。
  "Mother," he whispered, "isn't God good to make everybody so rich?" “妈妈,”他悄悄地说,“上帝让每个人都如此富有,难道不是很好么?”