美国语文第四册 第44期:哈利与他的狗(3)(在线收听

   Poor Harry! He could hear all this glee and merriment through the open window, as he lay in bed. 可怜的哈利!他躺在床上,透过打开的窗户听见了外面所有的欢声笑语。

  The storm of passion having subsided, there he lay weeping and disconsolate, a grievous sob bursting forth every now and then, 热情的浪潮渐渐褪去,他愁眉苦脸地躺在那儿,不停地哭泣。
  as he heard the loud peals of childish laughter, and as he thought how he should have laughed, 当听到孩子们响亮的笑声时,想到要不是因为他的恶劣表现,
  and how happy he should have been, had he not forfeited all this pleasure by his own bad conduct. 他此刻该如何欢笑时,他偶尔还会悲伤地抽泣一下。
  He wondered if Annie would not be so good-natured as to bring him a pear. 他在想安妮是不是不会好心地给他送梨了。
  All on a sudden, he heard a little foot on the stair, pitapat, and he thought she was coming. 忽然间,他听到了楼梯上很轻的脚步声,砰砰,他认为是安妮来了。
  Pitapat came the foot, nearer and nearer, and at last a small head peeped, half afraid, through the half-open door. 砰砰,脚步声越来越近了。最后,一个小脑袋怯怯地从半开着的门缝挤了进来。
  But it was not Annie's head; it was Frisk's—poor Frisk, whom Harry had been teasing and tormenting all the morning, 但那不是安妮的头;是弗里斯克——可怜的弗里斯克。哈利逗弄、折磨了它整个早上。
  and who came into the room wagging his tail, with a great pear in his mouth; 它摇着尾巴进了屋,嘴里叼着一个巨大的梨子;
  and, jumping upon the bed, He laid it in the little boy's hand. 然后跳上床,把梨放在小男孩的手里。
  Is not Frisk a fine, grateful fellow? and does he not deserve a share of Harry's breakfast, whether he begs for it or not? 弗里斯克是不是一个有良心的好伙伴?不管它作揖没作揖,难道它不应该得到哈利给的一份早餐吗?
  And little Harry will remember from the events of this day that kindness, 从这天发生的一系列事件中,小哈利将会记住友好的善行总会得到回报,
  even though shown to a dog, will always be rewarded; and that ill nature and bad temper are connected with nothing but pain and disgrace. 即使对象是一条小狗;另外,恶毒和坏脾气只会与痛苦、耻辱联系在一起。