美国语文第四册 第48期:老鹰树(2)(在线收听

   His eye followed her till she grew small, smaller, a mere speck in the sky, and then disappeared. 他的眼光跟随着大鹰,直到它的身影越来越小,变成了天空中的一个小点,最后彻底消失了。

  What boy has not thus watched the flight of the bird of his country! 哪个男孩没看过自己国家国鸟的翱翔呢!
  She was gone nearly two hours, about double her usual time for a voyage, 大鹰离开了大概两个小时,这几乎是它平时出海觅食时间的两倍。
  when she again returned, on a slow, weary wing, flying uncommonly low, 当它再次回来的时候,翅膀挥动得很慢很疲惫,飞得极不寻常的低,
  in order to have a heavier atmosphere to sustain her, with another fish in her talons. 为的是让更厚重的大气支撑着它,它的爪子里抓着另一条鱼。
  On nearing the field, she made a circuit round it, to see if her enemies were again there. 快接近大树所在地时,它围着那里盘旋了一圈,看看敌人是不是还在。
  Finding the coast clear, she once more reached the tree, drooping, faint, and weary, and evidently nearly exhausted. 当发现附近很清静时,它再次落在了树上,低垂着头,又虚弱又疲倦,显然已经快精疲力尽了。
  Again the eaglets set up their cry, which was soon hushed by the distribution of a dinner, such as, save the cooking, a king might admire. 小鹰们又叫开了,不过分配晚餐很快让它们安静了下来。
  Glorious bird!" cried the boy, "what a spirit!" 光荣的鸟!”男孩叫道,“这是何等的精神啊!”
  Other birds can fly more swiftly, others can sing more sweetly, others scream more loudly; 其他的鸟能够飞得更快,唱得更甜美,叫得更大声,
  but what other bird, when persecuted and robbed, when weary, when discouraged, when so far from the sea, would do this? 但是,其他的鸟,在受到非难和抢劫,在疲惫不堪,灰心丧气,离海这么远的地方,能够像它这么做吗?
  Glorious bird! I will learn a lesson from thee today. “光荣的鸟!今天我从你这里学到了一课。
  I will never forget, hereafter, that when the spirit is determined it can do almost anything. 从今以后,我永远不会忘记,只要有了一种精神,就能够做成任何事。
  Others would have drooped, and hung the head, and mourned over the cruelty of man, and sighed over the wants of the nestlings; 其他人可能会垂头丧气,哀伤人们的残忍行为,为雏鸟的需求而叹息,
  but thou, by at once recovering the loss, hast forgotten all. 但是你,迅速弥补了损失,忘记了一切。
  I will learn of thee, noble bird! I will remember this. I will set my mark high. 我要向你学习,高贵的鸟儿!我会记住这件事,把自己的目标定得高些。
  I will try to do something, and to be something in the world; I will never yield to discouragements. 我要设法做出些成绩,在世界上成为非同寻常的人物;我永远不会向挫折屈服。