美国语文第四册 第49期:阿尔卑斯之歌(在线收听

   With alpenstock and knapsack light, 手拿登山杖,身背轻轻的行囊,

  I wander o'er hill and valley; 我在丘陵和山谷中穿行;
  I climb the snow peak's flashing height, 我爬上雪峰耀眼的高度,
  And sleep in the sheltered chalet, 睡在避风的小木屋
  Free in heart—happy and free 心灵无比自由—快乐和自由
  This is the summer life for me. 这是我在夏季的生活。
  The city's dust I leave behind 城市的尘土被我抛在了身后
  For the keen, sweet air of the mountain, 迎来山里凛冽而清新的空气,
  The grassy path by the wild rose lined, 成排的野玫瑰间是布满情操的小径,
  The gush of the living fountain, 喷涌出的活泉
  Free in heart—happy and free 心灵无比自由—快乐和自由
  This is the summer life for me. 这是我的夏季生活。
  High above me snow clouds rise, 在我头顶的天空里,雪白的云朵升起来,
  In the early morning gleaming; 清晨隐约的微光中,
  And the patterned valley beneath me lies 我脚下图案般的山谷显得愈加柔和
  Softly in sunshine dreaming, 阳光的梦境中,
  Free in heart—happy and free 心灵无比自由—快乐和自由
  This is the summer life for me. 这是我的夏季生活。
  The bells of wandering herds I list, 我听到游荡的牧群发出的钟声,
  Chiming in upland meadows; 在高地牧场响起;
  How sweet they sound, as I lie at rest 它们听起来多么甜美
  Under the dark pine shadows,  当我放松地躺在黑松的树荫下,
  Glad in heart—happy and free 心灵无比愉悦—快乐和自由
  This is the summer life for me. 这是我的夏季生活。