美国语文第四册 第54期:最高尚的复仇(1)(在线收听

   "I will have revenge on him, that I will, and make him heartily repent it," said Philip to himself,with a countenance quite red with anger. “我要找他报仇,我一定会的,要让他感到由衷的忏悔。”菲利普自言自语道,脸由于生气而显得格外红。

  His mind was so engaged that he did not see Stephen, who happened at that instant to meet him. 他想得太投入了,以至于没看见斯蒂芬。斯蒂芬正是来见他的。
  "Who is that," said Stephen, "on whom you intend to be revenged?" “那人是谁,”斯蒂芬说,“你打算找谁报仇?”
  Philip, as if awakened from a dream, stopped short, and looking at his friend, soon resumed a smile that was natural to his countenance. 菲利普仿佛这才如梦初醒,突然停了下来,看着他的朋友,但很快恢复了他自然的微笑表情。
  "Ah," said he, you remember my bamboo, a very pretty cane which was given me by my father, do you not? “哈,”他说道,“你还记得我的竹子吧,我父亲给我的一段非常漂亮的竹藤,记得吗?
  Look! there it is in pieces. It was farmer Robinson's son who reduced it to this worthless state. 看!它已经成碎片了。是农民罗宾逊的儿子把它弄得这样一钱不值的。
  Stephen very coolly asked him what had induced young Robinson to break it. 斯蒂芬非常冷静地问他是什么导致小罗宾逊把它打碎了。
  "I was walking peaceably along," replied he, and was playing with my cane by twisting it round my body. “我平静地走着,”他回答说,边走边把玩着我的竹藤,把它缠在我身上。
  By accident, one of the ends slipped out of my hand, when I was opposite the gate, just by the wooden bridge, 突然发生了意外,竹藤的一端从我手里滑了出去。当时我正在门外的木桥旁,
  where the ill-natured fellow had put down a pitcher of water, which he was taking home from the well. 而那个坏脾气的家伙刚刚把一罐子水放在地上,那是他从井里打完要带回家的。
  It so happened that my cane, in springing back, upset the pitcher, but did not break it. 说来也巧,我的竹藤回弹时打到了那个罐子,但没有把它打破。
  He came up close to me, and began to call me names 他就凑了上来,开始点名道姓地骂我
  when I assured him that what I had done had happened by accident, and that I was sorry for it. 我向他保证我刚才的动作是个意外,我很抱歉。
  Without regarding what I said, he instantly seized my cane, and twisted it, as you see; but I will make him repent of it. 他根本不管我说什么,上来就抓起我的竹藤,你也看见了,把它扭断了;但我会让他为此感到后悔的。
  "To be sure," said Stephen, "he is a very wicked boy, “可以肯定,”斯蒂芬说,“他是个很可恶的孩子,
  and is already very properly punished for being such, since nobody likes him or will have anything to do with him. 成为这么一个没人喜欢、没人愿意和他有任何关系的人对他来说已经是个合适的惩罚了。
  He can scarcely find a companion to play with him and is often at a loss for amusement, as he deserves to be. 他根本找不到愿意和他一起玩的伙伴,而且通常对娱乐一窍不通,他活该。
  This, properly considered, I think will appear sufficient revenge for you. 好好想想吧,这对你来说已经足够报仇雪恨了。
  "All this is true," replied Philip, but he has broken my cane. “这些都是事实,”菲利普回答,但是他弄断了我的竹藤。
  It was a present from my father, and a very pretty cane it was. 那是我父亲送的礼物,而且也非常漂亮。
  I offered to fill his pitcher for him again, as I knocked it down by accident. I will be revenged. 我提出要把水罐装满,因为我不小心把它碰倒了。我要报仇。