美国语文第四册 第61期:孩子的世界(在线收听

   Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world, 伟大的,宽广的,美丽的,奇妙的世界,

  With the wonderful water round you curled, 奇妙的河流盘旋围绕着你,
  And the wonderful grass upon your breast, 奇妙的绿草覆盖在你的胸膛,
  World, you are beautifully drest. 世界,你被装点得太美了。
  The wonderful air is over me, 奇妙的空气包围着我,
  And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree; 奇妙的风儿吹动树木;
  It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, 它在水上漫步,让磨盘旋转,
  And talks to itself on the tops of the hills. 在山顶自言自语。
  You friendly Earth! how far do you go 你,亲切的地球!你走了多远
  With the wheat fields that nod, and the rivers that flow; 伴随着成熟的麦田,流动的河水,
  With cities and gardens, and cliffs and isles, 伴随着城市和花园,悬崖和岛屿,
  And people upon you for thousands of miles? 以及在你身上居住的人们行走成千上万英里?
  Ah, you are so great, and I am so small, 啊,你是那么伟大,而我是这等渺小,
  I tremble to think of you, World, at all: 世界啊,我一想到你就感到颤抖,
  And yet, when I said my prayers, today, 那么,今天,当我在进行祈祷时,
  A whisper inside me seemed to say, 一阵来自我内心深处的低语似乎在说:
  You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot: 你比地球更伟大,尽管你只是上面的一个小圆点,
  You can love and think, and the Earth can not! 但你能够去爱,去思考,地球做不到啊!