美国语文第四册 第64期:苏西的作文(3)(在线收听

   In a few moments she said, "Mother, shall I read you what I have written?" "No, not now," answered her mother; 不一会儿,她说:“妈,我可以给您念念我写的东西么?”“不,现在还不行,”妈妈回答,

  I am going into the dining room. You may sit and write until I return. 我要去厨房。你就坐在这儿写,直到我回来。
  As Susie went on writing, she became very much interested in her occupation, and for a time forgot all about the dreaded composition. 苏西继续写着,她开始对这个工作产生兴趣了,在一段时间里忘记了那篇烦人的作文。
  She wrote about the sunset clouds, the appearance of the distant hills, the trees, the river, 她写了落日云,远处山上的外景,树木,河流,
  the garden with its gay flowers, and the birds flying past the window. 开满艳丽花朵的花园,飞过窗外的鸟儿。
  Just as she had reached the bottom of the page, her mother came in. 就在她要写到纸的最后一行时,妈妈走了进来。
  "Well, Susie," said she, with a smile, "how does that composition come on?" “那么,苏西,”她微笑着说,“作文进行得怎么样了?”
  "Composition!" exclaimed Susie; you told me not to think about my composition, and I have not thought of it once; “作文!”苏西叫道,“您说让我不要想作文,我根本一点都没想。
  I have had such a nice time writing about what I could see from the window. 我写窗外看到的东西时感觉非常快乐。
  Mrs. Smith took the paper and read aloud what Susie had written, 史密斯夫人拿起纸,大声地朗读苏西写下的文字,
  I am sitting on a low seat at the bay window, one half of which is open, so that I can smell the sweet flowers in the garden. 我坐在窗边的矮凳上,窗子半开着,这样我可以闻到花园里的花香。
  The sky is all bright with sunset; I can see purple, and pink, and golden. 天空被落日点亮;我可以看到紫色、粉色和金色。
  I do not believe that any one on earth has a paint box with such lovely colors in it. 我相信世界上没人拥有这样的一个颜料盒,里面能有这么迷人的颜色。
  I can see one cloud, far above the rest, that looks like a ship sailing in the blue sea. 我能看到一朵云,远远高于其他的云,它像一艘小船航行在碧蓝的大海里。
  I should like to sail on a cloud, if it would not make me dizzy. 如果它不会让我眩晕的话,我会喜欢坐在云朵上航行。