美国语文第四册 第70期:勤奋的益处(1)(在线收听

   I gave you, in the last lesson, the history of George Jones, an idle boy, and showed you the consequences of his idleness. 上篇课文中,我给你们讲了懒惰的孩子乔治.琼斯的经历,指出了他懒散的不良后果。

  I shall now give you the history of Charles Bullard, a classmate of George. 现在我要给你们讲讲乔治的同学——查尔斯.布拉德——的故事。
  Charles was about the same age as George, and did not possess superior talents. 查尔斯和乔治同岁,并没有什么过人的天资。
  Indeed, I doubt whether he was equal to him in natural powers of mind. 事实上,我都不确定在自然的脑力方面他能否比得上乔治。
  But Charles was a hard student. When quite young, he was always careful and diligent in school. 但查尔斯是个努力的学生。很小的时候,他就认真勤奋地学习。
  Sometimes, when there was a very hard lesson, instead of going out to play during recess, he would stay in to study. 有时当遇到很有难度的课程时,他在课间休息时不去玩耍而是留在室内继续学习。
  He had resolved that his first object should be to get his lessons well, and then he could play with a good conscience . 他认定了自己的第一目标是把课文学好,然后才毫无顾虑地去玩儿。
  He loved play as well as anybody, and was one of the best players on the ground. 和任何人一样,他也喜欢玩,而且在操场上是最好的选手之一。
  I hardly ever saw any boy catch a ball better than he could. 我没见过其他人接球比他接得更好。
  When playing any game, everyone was glad to get Charles on his side. 做游戏时,大家都愿意和查尔斯在一组。
  I have said that Charles would sometimes stay in at recess. 我刚才说道,查尔斯有时课间会待在屋里。
  This, however, was very seldom; it was only when the lessons were very hard indeed. 但这种情况很少发生,只有在课程的确非常难时才会这样。
  Generally, he was among the first on the playground, and he was also among the first to go into school when called. 总的来说,他都是第一批去操场上玩耍的,也是到时间第一批回来上课的。
  Hard study gave him a relish for play, and play again gave him a relish for hard study,so he was happy both in school and out. 努力地学习让他享受到玩耍的乐趣,而玩耍也是他努力学习的调剂,因此他课上课下都很快乐。
  The preceptor could not help liking him, for he always had his lessons well committed, and never gave him any trouble. 辅导员自然很喜欢他,因为他功课总是很好,不给老师找麻烦。