美国语文第四册 第71期:勤奋的益处(2)(在线收听

   When he went to enter college, the preceptor gave him a good recommendation. 当他要进入大学时,辅导员给他写了很好的推荐信。

  He was able to answer all the questions which were put to him when he was examined. 考试时他能够回答出所有的问题。
  He had studied so well when he was in the academy, and was so thoroughly prepared for college, 在专科学校就读时,他学习得非常扎实,为大学学习做了充分准备。
  that he found it very easy to keep up with his class, and had much time for reading interesting books. 因此,他感觉在大学里听课轻而易举就能跟上进度,还有很多时间用来阅读有趣的书籍。
  But he would always get his lesson well before he did anything else, and would review it just before recitation. 但他总会先把课程学习好再去做别的事,还会在背诵之前进行复习。
  When called upon to recite, he rose tranquil and happy, and very seldom made mistakes. 当叫他背诵时,他平静而愉快地站来,几乎很少出错。
  The officers of the college had a high opinion of him, and he was respected by all the students. 大学教务长对他评价颇高,所有同学都很尊敬他。
  There was, in the college, a society made up of all the best scholars. 大学里有个由成绩最好的学生们组成的社团。
  Charles was chosen a member of that society. 查尔斯被选为其中的一员。
  It was the custom to choose some one of the society to deliver a public address every year. 按惯例,每年都会从社团里选出一人进行公开演讲。
  This honor was conferred on Charles; and he had studied so diligently, and read so much, 这个荣誉被授予了查理。他刻苦地学习,阅读了大量书籍,
  that he delivered an address which was very interesting to all who heard it. 所以他的演讲对所有听众来说都非常有趣。
  At last he graduated , as it is called; that is, he finished his collegiate course, and received his degree. 最后,按照惯常的说法,他毕业了,即他完成了大学课程,拿到了学位。