美国语文第四册 第85期:马(2)(在线收听

   The trampling of the animals sounds like distant thunder; 动物们发出的踢踏声听起来像远处的雷声,

  and such is the rapidity and impetuosity of their advance, that it seems to threaten instant destruction. 那是它们飞快且疾速前进的声音,似乎带来了瞬间毁灭的威胁。
  Sometimes, however, they suddenly stop short, utter a loud and piercing neigh, 但有的时候,它们会突然间停下来,发出高亢而尖利的嘶叫声,
  and, with a rapid wheel, take an opposite course, and altogether disappear. 然后迅速转弯,朝着对面跑去,全部消失不见。
  On such occasions it requires great care in the traveler to prevent his horses from breaking loose and escaping with the wild herd. 在这种情形下,旅游者需要特别小心,防止他自己的马挣脱缰绳随着野马群一起跑掉。
  In those countries where wild horses are so plentiful, the inhabitants do not take the trouble to raise others, 在那些野马数量很多的国家,居民们不必费力去饲养它们。
  but whenever they want one they mount upon an animal accustomed to the sport, 但当他们需要一匹马时,会骑上一匹善于奔跑的马,
  and gallop over the plain toward a herd, which is readily found at no great distance. 朝着平原上不远处就能找到的马群奔去。
  The rider gradually approaches some stragglers from the main body, and, having selected the one he wishes, 骑马的人渐渐地接近从大群里掉队的马匹,选择一匹他想要的,
  he dexterously throws the lasso either over the wild horse's head or in such a manner as to entangle his hind legs; 灵活地抛出索套,或者套住野马的头,或者缠住它的后腿。
  which is a long rope with a running noose, and is firmly fixed to his saddle, 一条长绳子,一端系个套,另一端牢牢地绑在他的鞍上
  and by the sudden checking of his own horse, he throws the captured animal over on its side. 然后突然停住自己的马,把捕到的马拉向一边。
  In an instant he jumps off his horse, wraps his cloak round the head of the captive, 随后,他快速跳下马,用斗篷遮在被捕马匹的头上,
  forces a bit into his mouth, and straps a saddle on his back. 给它喂些吃的,在它背上套上马鞍。
  He then removes the cloak, and the animal starts to his feet. 然后他移开斗篷,马匹就会开始走起来。